Scene 8 - Listen Earthlings!

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The Doctor arrives back at the lab, with Sarah, the Brigadier and Benton, all seemingly defeated or upset.


Right, well we could start a major search of the country if that is the only option we have left.


England is a big place to search for only one man and an Orb.

The Doctor is distracted somehow, he and the TARDIS are connected. He senses something inside, rudely exiting and entering the TARDIS.




Why is he going in there?

The three follow. The Doctor stands over the microphone, and the others follow behind into the TARDIS.


Alright Doctor, what's going on.


The TARDIS is telling me something. There is something connecting us together. Some impulse. There is something coming on the radio.

There is static, a blurry picture. Eventually, there is only a sound coming out of the scanner. Conway begins to vocally pronounce his words deeply, sharply, gravelly and meticulously. The type of voice that goes the absolute deepest.


Listen, Earthlings! I am the Nano-Cloud Virus. This humanoid I am using to communicate vocally. Hear me Earth beings, your protectors have failed to protect the powerful energy source from me! I shall detonate this source in the middle of the Exeter Nuclear Power Plant, which will destroy this entire planet. Slowly and painfully. This planet will rage and boil and die! Then, I shall move onto the next planet, and the next, then the universe! Earth is only the beginning. And none of you will can stop me!



The Doctor fiddles with the scanner setting, revealing the ugly, crippling image of the possessed Conway on the scanner.

Listen to me, Daniel Conway. If there is any bit still left of you, fight against it. You are stronger than this thing.


This thing Time Lord has entirely seduced the life of the human. Everything has now been purged! You cannot stop us!


Not whilst I'm alive. And I won't rest until this planet and the universe is safe.


How can you? You are merely only another Time Lord.


No. I am far more than merely only another Time Lord.


Who are you with your technology and arrogance to defy us!


I'm the Doctor. I'm over 700 years old. And I'm responsible for saving Earth and the universe from other greater threats. Daleks, Cybermen, Autons, Axons, Sea Devils – they were all easy to defeat. And you are no exception.


I find you a worthy opponent, Doctor. But how can you stop me, now that I have the Orb of Cutex by my side. Your precious Earth will be the first to perish as I take my great conquest and destruction across the universe.


Yes, and they've all said that. And all have failed.


Well not this time. You won't be able to stop me.

Conway laughs monstrously. The radio silences.


Can we stop him, Doctor?


Of course we can. The only trouble is how much power the Nano-Cloud Virus has, especially with the Orb.


Well, what are we waiting for? We need to get out there and stop him.


No, wait Sarah. We need to plan this out properly.


So with the nuclear power plant down in Exeter we will have plenty of time to attack and gain the Orb back.


Hey Doctor, this is a time machine. So why don't we go back in time or just go over to the Transporter and get it back.


Firstly Sarah, the TARDIS go back on my own personal timeline. And secondly, with a power source it must have homed on, either the TARDIS or the Orb, is terribly powerful. We don't want to draw the TARDIS on enemy lines.




The attack will have to be subtle, we can't launch a mass attack.


He is expecting that now. I believe we can use one thing.


Which is...


A powerful sound wave. The Nano-Cloud Virus is a powerful energy source, so I doubt it will like this.


So we can attack the transporter, use that against it, and take back the Orb.


Yes. My TARDIS has a devastating sound system.


Well your TARDIS always has devastating consequences, Doctor.


Brigadier, this will take time to make.


That's the one thing we haven't got.


Right. Sarah and I will begin making this device. You and Sergeant Benton will get a helicopter and a couple of jetpacks so we can launch down onto the transporter.


Come along Benton.


Right sir.

The Brigadier and Benton quickly leave. The TARDIS doors were closed.


We can stop Conway, can't we?


Well of course we can Sarah. But we need to start at once. I only hope that we shan't be too late.

The Blephasol Transporter charges through the houses and buildings, crushing and smashing them to fragments. Conway, the Nano-Cloud Virus, will stop at nothing until it succeeds. It leaves to drive off, to death...


#(End credits)

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