Side Characters/Allies

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Allies:The friends and loved ones of the heroine team whose close bonds give them the strength and knowledge to push back against any obstacle they face, they range from mentors to friends and even family members, each with their own quirks and flaws. The four girls also get caught up in their friends's struggles as well as their effects on them.

Teachers:Instructors and mentors of Beacon Academy, always shown with a thirst for educating our young heroes in entering the world as defenders of the innocent, these individuals are always wanting to brighten the minds of their students and encourage them to focus on what's important, that being paying attention in class and doing what the teachers tell them.

Headmaster Ozpin Tessra:The headmaster of Beacon Academy at forty four years old, the enigmatic leader of Remnant's Inner Circle, the man in dark green, you name it. Professor Ozpin Tessra, humble, kind, caring. These traits alone give off the impression of an honest, well rounded man. Covering his fair skin is a dark green three piece suit with a black tie and dress shoes of similar color. What he wears over his dark green eyes are a pair of black oval classes, the exact same pair as his wife Glynda Goodwitch. Ozpin deeply loves his wife and others he cares about and values them with all his being. He shows this care by putting faith in his student's, conversing with his friends on their daily struggles and pain, and respecting the people make mistakes and make the effort to make up for them, Blake being a prime example. He recognizes heart and compassion over strength and ruthlessness, as he saw Ruby's empathetic and bright mindset qualified her as the leader of team RWBY over Weiss's smarts and coldness, Blake's aloofness and cunning, and Yang's temperament and recklessness. When it comes to the young girl, not only does she remind him of his best student/close friend Summer but she's also an extension of Ozpin, reminding him of himself and potentially the daughter Salem and him could've had if things went their way. Sadly, they didn't, and now they're in a war for Remnant's future. Being a being whom has the god of light's powers, he can fire powerful bolts of energy, as well as having incredible speed and agility, Ozpin can hold his own in a fight, besides his trusty forest green cane for armed combat that doesn't morph into anything since he's not one for firefighting. What also lies beneath his often positive, charming exterior is layers of guilt, sadness, and regret, mainly towards himself for the choices he's made and the losses he's endured. This causes Ozpin the drive to do everything in his power to want to keep the world safe from his former lover and end her reign of terror as soon as he can, by doing the best that he can.

Professor Glynda Goodwitch:Glynda Goodwitch, where to start with her? First, let's get to her physical traits. This forty four year old teacher wears thin oval glasses with a clear frame to show her aqua green eyes, mid back, smooth light blonde hair in a ponytail, skin clear and smooth as sky, all while dressed in a solid purple dress shirt tucked into black dress pants, and slip on business shoes as soulless as her pants. Now, onto who she is on the outside. Dedicated, no nonsense, business focused, scary, you name it. Professor Goodwitch of Beacon Academy is one of its top professors, wanting her students to do their part in preparing themselves for the world of hunting the Grimm. Despite her often terrifying demeanor, she's just wanting what's best for her students, team RWBY especially. Yes, she's had qualms with them ever since the day they recklessly tried to stop a White Fang operation and her Headmaster/husband Ozpin invited them to Beacon Academy. Glynda does understand that her lover works in mysterious ways, but she felt that applying a bunch of young girls to their school when they're clearly not ready for the environment they teach was really crossing some lines! But, overtime, she's grown to accept it, and realized that the girls do have potential in them and has grown quite fond of them. In fact, Glynda does have a forgiving side, pointing out the good her students did first before getting to the bad. She's also greatly empathetic, sharing her struggles with team RWBY when it gets to that moment. Ruby and Blake, in Glynda's mind, are tolerable at best. She appreciates the effort brought to her classroom, as well as asking for help when need be. Weiss is also tolerable, though she does wish she would not have such a stressful school year and focus mainly on her studies. Though, she does acknowledge that it's ultimately her own doing and does try to loosen up as team RWBY and her grow closer, almost to the point of Glynda, and Ozpin,  seeing the girls as their own daughters. Glynda is annoyed by students who aren't as focused on their work and are more laidback then students who actually care about their studies. This mainly applies to Jaune, Sun, and especially Yang. Yang and Glynda's relationship is complicated at best, as their personalities and way of doing things clash frequently, both in and out of the classroom. She's annoyed with Yang's easy going attitude as Yang's annoyed by her strict personality. But, the two care about each other deep down, almost to the point of mother and daughter as the two have similar tempers and care toward those they love. Glynda also understands Yang's abandonment issues stem from her mother Raven leaving her as she too lost her parents to abandonment, leading to them relating to each other in ways both of them never expected. Speaking of Raven, the two were once very close friends until she left, causing much anger for Glynda not just for Raven turning her back on everyone who cared about her but especially Yang. Rarely is she seen fighting. But, when she does fight, she usually fights with a baton that can morph into an automatic rifle. Her semblance gives her the power of telekinesis, where she can move objects with her mind that she directs with her baton. However, the heavier the object, the more difficult it is for Glynda to lift.

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