Main Characters/Heroes

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Team RWBY:The series's protagonists who struggle with their issues consisting of their insecurities, villains, past, and school life.

Ruby Rose: The young, optimistic leader of team RWBY leads her team through her sharp mind, her cheerfulness, her semblance of super speed;(which has an unusual ability of leaving petals behind which disappear in only a few seconds and her semblance can tire her out if she goes on running that fast for too long), and mastery of Crescent Rose, her prized weapon which is a red and black scythe which can morph into a sniper rifle if need be. The other reason as to why she loves her weapon is not only is it like her best friend, besides her journal Rosemary and Faunus friend Blake, but that it's always been handy for her in a fight, ether for swordplay or a firefight. Including her exceptional fighting prowess, Ruby is also able to formulate great strategies for training and fighting her enemies once she gets a good read of the situation and/or opponent at hand. She's also very knowledgeable in handling certain weapons, like how she explains what proper things someone needs to do to take care of their weapons when given the chance. Ruby's pale skin is covered up by a slim, solid black long sleeve shirt with a pocket sown into the lower part of it like a pullover hoodie pocket, black pants, and red laced black combat boots. Ruby's attire also consists of a red hooded cloak held together in the center by a small red rose chain in the middle. Her cape also is a compartment of many things, such as her journal, extra ammo for her sniper rifle as well as ammo for her teammates when need be, and it even hides her steel box compartment that carries Crescent Rose. One of her most recognizable traits, besides her messy, neck length black hair with red drips on the sides and back, is her silver eyes. Some of the best ways to describe the fourteen year old leader are compassionate, bright, organized, fearless, and chill. Her moments of compassion and empathy shines through by way of trying to help others with their problems with the best of her abilities;(most notable cases being where she tries to get through to Blake even after finding out she was once a member of the White Fang and when she and Pyrrha relate to their struggles as team leaders), even directing that trait of hers to some of her enemies;(mainly towards Cinder and Roman). Though, while she's usually calm and cool headed most of the time, she does have moments of hyperactivity, such as when she gets excited over a new thing related to certain anime's she likes, her love of cookies, and when she tries to contain her excitement over seeing a monster movie. Another trait that she shows, that even concerns her teammates, is her innate fearlessness;(scenes like team RWBY facing dangerous situations in which she comments about how "surprisingly tough" some opponents/school work is being a prime example of this.) What lies beneath her often happy exterior is a layer of self doubt, mainly in which she fears she'll never live up to the legacy of her heroic mother, Summer Rose, which she writes about in a section of her journal about what she might be doing wrong and what she could do better. This side of her publicly comes out when she becomes very worried about showing her vulnerability in front of her teammates and/or friends, mainly fearing they would see her as a "small, helpless" child, at least, in her own mind.

Weiss Schnee:You may or may not have heard of the heiress of the Schnee empire. It doesn't matter to her, so long as you treat her well for who she is, and not because of her riches, her status, and even her family name. Weiss Schnee, despite being only fourteen, is someone you don't mess with as, not only because of her name, but because of her extraordinary dueling prowess and martial arts training, karate being her main fighting style. Her sword in particular is a rapier that she named Myrtenaster, which can act as a multi action gun if need be. Her family semblance, which is rare due to its shared trait across generation of users, is the ability to summon glyphs which are primary used for defense and platform purposes, though can break easily if the user is not calm enough and/or with enough force from the opponent. What separates her most from her family is the way Weiss dresses, her outfit consisting of a light blue zip up jacket with pockets, a band t-shirt underneath her jacket surprisingly, white pants, and white combat boots. She also has a short ponytail that she has her snow white hair in as well as possessing fair skin and pale blue eyes. Speaking of her family name, she despises the fact that she's a Schnee, mainly in part due to their dark history and her abuse at her cruel, selfish father's hand, whose harsh training eventually led to her scar that resides down near her right eye. As well as the fact that she's had Winter to care for her for most of her life and that she's spent her childhood not only being abused but also being isolated from the world, you may guess how much that has screwed her up. Weiss, however, does have a strong will and, thanks to Winter's care for her and her reading about the many good things hunters and huntresses do for the world, has managed to stay sane and, motivated by Winter's stern but kind influence on her and by the heroics of the hunting life, vowed to become a huntress so that no one would suffer the same fate she did. Weiss does have a great deal of kindness and care, but she's known to be very straightforward and wishes for things to be going according to plan. She's not crazy about some of her teammates' more calmer approaches to things like school and training, things she takes very seriously as she wants to be the best huntress she can be. However, thanks to team RWBY's influence on her, she has softened up and has learned to loosen up at times, but still takes what she values as important very seriously. Weiss does also like to shop but mainly for clothes, though she doesn't do it to "look cute" like other girls might. Speaking of, Weiss doesn't brag at all about her family name and their status, mainly because of her shame of their misdeeds and her experience with them. The other thing that describes Weiss is basically a teachers pet as she does have the most highest grades in their classes, besides Pyrrha, Ren, Sun, and Blake. She also really looks up to her teachers, mainly Professors Ozpin, Goodwitch, and Oobleck, the young girl respecting Goodwitch the most as she appreciates the wisdom she tries to share with her students as well as being able to relate her as the two have a lot in common, mainly in terms of their past and mindset. Weiss is a huge fan of following the rules and not getting in trouble, as well as fearing she's not doing good enough in her classes and not working well with her team as she fears that if she fails, then she'll never become a great huntress and give others what she was given, a second chance at a happy life.

Blake Belladonna:Blake Belladonna is usually the quiet and complicated one of the group, usually keeping to herself and reading her books. What could best identify the cat Faunus, in terms of her looks is her stunning auburn eyes, fair skin tone, a bow that she wears over her head that's covers her scalp along with her shoulder length, mid back raven hair, a black wool button up, long sleeve coat covering a white short sleeve solid t-shirt, black skinny pants, and black boots. Despite her seemingly cold demeanor, she's actually quite friendly and playful at heart. Her playfulness usually extends to just joking around with her friends;(mainly going along with Yang's flirting and teasing Ruby at times), as she doesn't want to hurt people's feelings. What also describes the sixteen year old Blake is her innate righteousness;(which could explain how passionate she is about standing up for other people and fighting what dangers are in her way). She also possesses a great deal of guilt and regret from her past as a member of the White Fang, especially what their anarchistic ways have done to her ex-boyfriend Adam, whom she feels responsible for. Despite this, Blake still cares about her teammates, mainly out of fear of losing them and/or them leaving her for her past. The ultimate reason as to why she became a huntress in the first place is not only to help others but to also use this as her way of atoning for her sins. The way she fights against her enemies best with, besides her incredible agility and hand to hand combat skills, is her Gambol Shroud sword which morphs into an automatic gun. Her semblance is to create shadow clones of herself, mainly used to keep the enemy off guard and provide extra help in a fight if need be. However, her clones can easily be destroyed by one hit as well as the only use for her clones being infiltration and/or distraction.

Yang Xiao Long:Loud, self proclaimed "pun queen", happy-go-lucky, headstrong, blunt, these are only a few of the words to describe the sixteen year old brawler of team RWBY, Yang Xiao Long. Her appearance even gives off her brawler personality, her mid back yellow hair, lilac eyes, a tan jacket that hides a bright yellow solid tank top, brown pants, and brown combat boots. She fights with her fists, feet, and Ember Celina, two gauntlets capable of being used as like arm shotguns. She always has a smile on her face as well as a lot of charm that she displays;(in the face of danger, when in public, and just wherever it's ok for her), mainly everywhere she goes. But, she also possesses a great temper;(mainly if her friends, especially her little sister/secret cousin Ruby, gets hurt or if she's pushed to the limit of her patience), that can make her more reckless and headstrong then she usually can be. In fact, her anger is her very semblance. The angrier Yang feels, the stronger her attacks become, her eyes turning crimson as a result. Sadly, it could also give her opponents, whom can keep their temper in check, an opportunity to use Yang's rage against her, as well as Yang's anger being able to break things without much of her control in place. Some of Yang's favorite hobbies are training, eating, secretly reading, doing stunts, riding Bumblebee;(her prized motorcycle), and spending time with her friends, mainly Ruby, Weiss, and Blake. She could also be described as a "real life Goku", in Ruby's own words, as the two characters share a lot in common, mainly through their fighting tendencies and love of food. Yang isn't "student" material as she isn't really interested in many of her classes except sparring, causing friction between her and some of her teammates and teachers, mainly with Professor Oobleck and Professor Goodwitch as they want their students to take their classes seriously and be prepared for the hunting world they will soon enter. Surprisingly, she does have decent grades in her classes as she does want to keep up with her teammates. However, she doesn't show this side to her as she feels it will make seem uncool, so she keeps this to herself. Another thing about Yang is her kindness, mainly shown towards her friends and especially towards Ruby;(mainly when she worries about her safety and tries to be there for her no matter what, as she was forced to care for her most of her life).  Underneath Yang's confident, upbeat demeanor is a sense of insecurity, mainly from people seeing her vulnerable state and her fear of never fulfilling her desire of finding her mother Raven Branwen, whom left her soon after she was born. In fact, one of the main reasons as to why she became a huntress, besides her looking up to her uncle Qrow and reading those stories to Ruby, is to one day find her and hopefully reconnect with her. She keeps this desire a secret from her team and others in her life as she feels they wouldn't understand.

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