"No thanks, I'm going back down for breakfast. See you!" I said, running out of the gym.

Zayn's POV

I took a bath and got dressed for today. I didn't know what I was going to wear, so I just went with the safest outfit ever: white shirt, my leather jacket, pants, and black shoes. I always look like this, but I don't care, chicks dig it.

My phone buzzed and I saw that it was Louis, telling me that I should go down because they're hungry.

What? He's downstairs? I mean, he's always here, but he's alone with Constance? I mean, I know that that Harry guy's got him whipped but still, he's a boy, and Constance is a girl, and a hot one.

I went down to the dining room and I felt relieved that Mim was there, also waiting with them.

"What took you so long?" Louis said, taking the entire plate of bacon and placing some on Constance's plate.

"Thanks, Baby." Constance replied to his gesture.

Okay, I was gone for a few minutes and this is what I get? What the fuck is happening?

I sat down on the opposite side and sat through the entire breakfast watching them be sweet to each other. I remembered that I told Mim that Constance was Louis's girlfriend so they have to pretend that they're a couple in front of her. The relief I felt earlier turned into regret.

My own alibi backfired at me. I should've just said she was a close friend, then I wouldn't have to see them like this.

When Mim got up and left the dining room, I was expecting Constance to push Louis away. Instead, she took a piece of fruit and then fed Louis.

Seriously? The guy has two hands!

After breakfast I had to make Louis leave the house. If we leave him here, Mim would ask him why I was out with Constance, his girlfriend, and we wouldn't want that to happen because trust me, Louis gives the worst excuses ever.

Of course it wasn't easy to make him leave, I had to give him the key to my favorite black car. It would be fine if I was certain he would use it to pick up chicks, but God knows he won't be doing that. He's probably planning a backseat sex session with Harry. Then I'd have to get rid of that car.

Louis left and Constance asked me to change my clothes.

"What, eager to see me naked again? If you need me to be shirtless, you can just say so." I teased as I lifted my shirt.

"Just go and get changed into something more... casual. Something you would wear if you were to go to a big park or something." She said.

So we're going to a big park?

I immediately changed into a tie dye shirt and shorts and shoes that would match the clothes that she was wearing. That way, people in the park would think we're a gorgeous-looking couple.

When I went back down, she didn't seem to mind that our clothes were matching, which was a good thing. She probably thinks we're cute too but she doesn't want to admit it.

Since Louis used my favorite car, we rode my Lamborghini instead and Constance made me drive. I don't even know where we're going, but I made it a point to follow whatever she says. I want her to feel that whatever her plan was, it's going to be followed. I want her to feel in control because that's what I want for myself.

"Just drive straight, and then I'll tell you when to turn. Relax." She told me.

So I did. I reduced my speed and focused on the road.

"You don't like Louis, do you?" I asked her.

"Why are you asking me that question?"

"Because, the way you looked at him was different."

"The way I look at everyone is different."

"No, you look at me the same way as everyone else. Except when I'm shirtless, then you look at my abs differently."

"No, I don't. What I did with Louis was called acting. People do it to hide the truth, to conceal the obvious. You should try it some time, just so it wouldn't be obvious that you're jealous." She said. She was right, maybe I was jealous. But that's just because we weren't getting the same treatment from her. That doesn't mean anything.

"I'm not jealous." I lied.

"Yeah sure, it shows on your blushing face."

I looked into my rear-view mirror and saw that I really was blushing. That's a first.

"We live in California. It's not exactly cold in here." It was a lame excuse. Really, Zayn? That was the best you can think of?

"Sure. If that's what you want." She said.

We both turned silent until she asked weird 'Would You Rather' questions.

This is going to be a long car ride.

HELLO GUYS!!! I'm sorry it took so long but here's an update!

I decided to split this chapter into two because the latter half's going to be eventful so it will be too much to handle if I drop everything at once.

I have reached 5k reads, thank you so much!!! I know it's probably shallow and it's nothing compared to what some of you guys have achieved but I'm still sooo happy!!!!

Thank you so much!!! You guys keep me going :)

Also, from now on, I'll make it a point to update only when I have reached my goal for that particular period of time. I have kept my promise to update at least two times every week and I would like to keep it that way so please comment or vote or promote this story :)

I hope you liked this chapter :) I try my best to make it as interesting as possible and I hope you guys aren't bored :)

Again, thank you so much for reading!!!

Next update will be in less than 48 hours so please stay tuned :)

Switched | Zayn Malik AUWhere stories live. Discover now