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"Maybe we shouldn't do this anymore! All you ever talk to me about these days and how upset you are! Don't you realize it's hard for me too? Do you think I want to leave you every few months?" Shawn yelled.
"No! I can't do this anymore! I don't want to know that my own girlfriend doesn't even want me to be happy and successful. Just because I," he paused.
"Just because you what? I do want you to be happy! I wish the best for you-"
"Then why can't you just realize I have to go!"
"Because I love you and I refuse to let you leave!"
"You're insane. I love you too, but I can't do this. You need to let me go. I'll let you go too. It's easier that way." he said, lowering his voice.
"Shawn, no it's not! I will fight for you-"
"But I'm not going to fight for you anymore, y/n. I've tried for so long and I can't anymore!"

I took a step back from him.

"So what now?" I whispered.
"I-I think we should b-breakup."
"Is that what you want?"
"Of course not-"
"Answer me honestly."

I took a deep breath.

"Listen y/n-"
"No. No, don't explain. You don't need to."
"But please, just hear me out-"
"No, please leave. You can come back tomorrow or whenever to come get what's yours."
He began walking closer to me.

"I'm sorry-"
"Stop." I whispered.
"I promise you'll find someone who will love you more than I could ever. I know you'll be happy. I'm sorry I put you through hell for the past few years."
"Please just leave." I whispered, trying not to cry.
He nodded, turning away and opening the door.

"Goodbye, y/n."
"Can you just leave? Stop making this harder!"
I looked at him and his eyes were tearing up. He bit his cheek and nodded, leaving.
I ran to the door and shut it.

Dear Shawn,
I know it's been a while since we talked. I still have fans come up and ask why our relationship ended. I guess you know, but for closure, here's what I have to say.
It was both our fault this relationship ended. I really did love you. But you didn't give me what I needed. Sure, you had millions of dollars that could buy anything, but what I wanted was time with you. You couldn't make time for me, and I get it now. You were busy with your music career. I'm sorry, I should of been more supportive.
Choosing to end what we had was the best thing to do. Let you go. I hope you read this one day. I'm sorry I told you that I hated you. It wasn't true. It never was and it will never be true. I still love you. How are you? I'm engaged now. We live together in an apartment in Virginia. I see you everywhere still-on magazines, the newspaper, literally everywhere. I hope you're happy. And I hope you were able to accomplish everything you wanted to accomplish.


As I read her letter, my heart sank. She found someone. She's getting married. I'm so happy for her. I knew she would find someone. I just wish it was me. I still think about her. I still think about what I said that night. It still haunts me. I folded the piece of paper and held it in my hands for a few minutes.

"Shawn! You're on in 5 minutes!"
"Okay, thank you! I'm coming!"
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. My dream was to play in front of the largest arena. Today it's coming true. And it's a sold out show. She moved on. I moved on too, even though I sometimes wonder what she's up to.

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