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The bus ride took about an hour until they got to their destination. The town was small, but not bad for the area, it looked more of a ton for the elderly, to be honest, wasn't a college town or a family town. It was a town more of antique. 

The only concerned they had was everything seemed to be closed already. What do you expect from a town with a small population? 

They walked around a little trying to find a place to eat first since they were kinda hungry. The only thing open was a little corner store. 

They grabbed their food and sat down on the curb of the corner. The two males haven't spoken much after the conversation at the bus stop. It was beginning to get uncomfortable. 

"Maybe we should go find the store before it gets too late. Maybe there's a chance that it's open." Yoongi said, just wanting to break the silence as Jimin stared at the ground. 

"Yeah, you're right. It's gonna get colder as the sun goes down, so we should hurry to find some shelter." 


"Well shit." They stood in front of the store. "It's closed." 

"What do we do now?" Jimin said, messing with the hem of his sweater. 

It was getting dark and cold. They were hoping that maybe a book store would stay open this late. 

"Find a park bench I gue-"


"Fine fine. I'm sure there's a way to get in here."

"You want us to break in?"

"Do we have any other options." 

"I guess not." Jimin sat on the ground waiting to see what Yoongi would do. 

"Got it." He said pulling the door open. 


"When you were at work this one day, I found out that I can move stuff with my mind a little bit. It's not much, but I guess it's enough to unlock the knob." 

"Then let's go in, I'm freezing. I'm gonna get frostbite."

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