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"I...I need blood Jimin."

Jimin starred at Yoongi with wide eyes. He didn't know how to react or what to do. Yoongi stat there with half-closed eyes as he started panting, a bead of sweat trailing down the side of his face.

"J-Jimin." Jimin could see how his eyes started to change color.

"I got you Yoongi, let's go."


They sat in an alleyway in the dark so no one would see Yoongi in the state that he was in. He was drenched in sweat and his eyes were a piercing yellow. He was on his knees hunched over holding his stomach and coughing. Jimin had run to a store nearby and got Yoongi some water and a little bit of food, but it wasn't helping him. It seemed to make things worse.

"Yoongi...maybe we should go to the hospital." He crouched down next to Yoongi.

"Jimin....my heart doesn't beat, that's not a good idea."

"Right, I forgot."

"It's fine."

They sat in silence as Jimin rubbed Yoongi's back. He felt bad seeing Yoongi so sick. Maybe they should start finding a way for Yoongi to go back home. Being here in this reality is making him sick.

Yoongi's skin was paler than it's ever been. His black hair was sticking to his forehead from the amount of sweat that was leaving Yoongi's body. Jimin felt helpless in the situation. He didn't know how to help Yoongi, he said he needed blood. So..should he let him drink his blood?



"Bite my neck and drink my blood"


I'm trying to write better, I'm sorry.

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