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"WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM!" I yelled. Who even was this? I've never seen this dude in my entire life, he's certainly not someone from the orphanage.

When I yelled he turned towards me. I don't know why, but fear struck through my body once I was his piercing blue eyes, that seemed to strike into my soul.

Not only that, but his eyes changed color.

"W-Who are you?" I have to admit, I was actually terrified.

"Don't you know who I am?" He spat back.

"Um no, if I did why would I ask" I rolled my eyes.

"I'm Min Yoongi. The first son of Kim's and next in line of the throne." My eyes widened.

"Y-You're the boy from my book!" I shouted in amusement and pure terror.

"What?" He cocked his head to the left.

"The book that I read. Y-You're the character from it." I said taking the book out. He stared at me.

"Don't be ridiculous. I'm no book character. You must've kidnapped me."

"Kidnap you? You're a vampire why would I risk my life."

"You got some nerve speaking to me like that human."

"How do you know I'm a human and not some werewolf or something hmm"

"You have a delicious smell. That's how I know. Human blood smells good." He crossed his arms making a huffed sound.

"So what are we going to do then?" I asked.

"Guess I'm living here now. I can't go anywhere. "

"That's true...."

We stood in silence. I'm still in shock that my favorite character from the book is just standing in my room. Like he's right in front of my eyes. He looked so alluring. His hair was black and looks so soft. His skin seemed to be glowing and his nose so cute. He looked like a kitten, to be honest.

"Um well, this happened sorta fast, so maybe we should just talk?" I suggested.

"I guess. Nothing else I can do right?"

"Yeah. There are cameras everywhere. You'll be seen." I scratched the back of my neck. I watched him move and sit on my bed.

"Well, where am I."

"We're in Busan, which is a city located in Korea."

"What building is this?"

"It's an orphanage."

"Oh, what's that?"

"It's a place for children who don't have parents."



"How old are you?"


He stopped talking after that. We just awkwardly gave each other glances every few minutes. I'm surprised how calm I am in this situation. If I reached out my hand I could physically touch him, Min Yoongi. in my room.

A stomach growl came from the black haired male. His face scrunched up.

"What was that?"

"Um, a stomach growl? You must be hungry. I can get you food." I said.

"I've never needed human food before."

"Maybe it's because you're in my world now, so it affects your body, so you don't crave....blood." Saying the word blood sent shivers down my spine. I know I was joking about saying I'd let him suck my blood and stuff, but now just the thought makes my body numb.

"Jimin, are you gonna get me food?"

"Oh right, yeah. Stay here and don't leave." I said getting up and made my way down to the lunch room.


I ended up grabbing Yoongi a blueberry muffin, a yogurt cup, bacon that I wrapped in a paper towel, and a biscuit with an apple butter packet. I brought my bag that I always carry around so that it was easier to sneak food up to my room. I didn't want anyone to suspect anything since I've never taken food up to my room.

"Yoongi I'm back with yo- WHY ARE YOU GOING THROUGH MY UNDERWEAR?" I dropped the bag and quickly covered my mouth. Please tell me no one heard me.

"I got bored. You have some quite interesting choices of underwear." He said picking up one that sent me in a paralyzed state.

"Red thong, you didn't seem like the type."

'PUT IT DOWN AND EAT." I screeched throwing the bag at him and snatching the underwear that was in his hands.


Yoongi silently ate while he sat on my bed. I ended up scolding him after placing all my underwear back into my dresser.

"Do you have any type of memory how you got here?"

"No. I did find a key in my pocket, but I don't know what it's for." We both sighed.

I turned to look at the clock on my desk.

"We need to shower. You can go first. I'll get you some clothes, my pants might be a little big for you so heads up. " He nodded. "That's the bathroom right there," I said pointing towards the bathroom.

He left and I laid on my bed.

"This is gonna be difficult."

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