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When you're younger, you don't understand things as easily. No one ever explains things to you either. Since you are a child they take you away with no word why because you are a child. No explanations. You're forced into a home, that has other kids that are like you. You're all miserable and try to make things seem positive. I never did though.

Every since day one I hated the bright smiles they give you, the sympathetic smiles. They look at you with sad eyes but try to make the atmosphere positive.

I hated it here.

I came here, well forced to come here when I was 7. The earliest memory I have is waking up in the hospital. Opening my eyes to white walls, that caused my eyes to burn. Nurses rushing in saying "He's awake" over and over. People surrounded me like I was some animal at a zoo. I felt isolated, confused, not even knowing where I was, or even why I was there.

With some knowledge that I had, I realized I must've been in a hospital. I'd never actually been in one. I've never needed too. I've only seen the inside of one, in movies and TV shows, that my parents would watch.

My parents. Those words kept repeating in my head. Where were they? Who were they? Why can't I remember the people who birthed me clearly?

A female with blonde hair entered the room. She introduced herself as Taeyeon, and she started telling me about how I would be going to a home that dealt with children that have had the same thing happen to them, or things that were similar. At the time I didn't understand.

The same day, Taeyeon and other people took me to my house. They packed my clothes and told me to grab anything else I wanted to keep.

As I looked around, I couldn't even recall that this was my room. Everything at the time was a blur. I decided to grab a stuffed fox that rested on the bed. Something in my body told me that I should grab it.

And with that, I left with Taeyeon to this place that filled me with dread. The building looked new and was quite large.

As we went inside she looked at me and told me to sit on one of the chairs, that sat near the windows as she went to talk to one of the ladies at the front desk.

I sat there with my stuffed fox tightly in my arms. Looking around at the room I was in. There was a bulletin board that had pictures of children posted on it. There were a few chairs in the room. The rug was a mixture of colors and the walls were blue. It was also freezing in there.

Taeyeon turned to me and softly told me to follower her. The men that were carrying my bags followed along too. 

As we walked along the hallways, I noticed doors that had names and then a number. Was I gonna have a room with a number?

We came to a halt. The door had multiple names, with a number each to the next one. We entered and on each side of the room was 5 beds. 10 beds in total. It was a large room. Each bed was different.

It turns out since I was so young at the time, I had to be put in a room with kids my age. My name was added to the door along with a number, which meant my age.

I lived in that room till I was 13. 6 years in that room with boys whose parents either abandon them or died.

When I reached 13, they moved me to my own room that was located on another floor. The first floor was for entertainment. They had classrooms and volunteer teachers teach us basic education. Each floor had about 10 rooms.

They would gather us all at once and bring us into the lunchroom as they called it. It was just a big ballroom that was built for the building. Every day basically felt like a big catering party. They would set up tables of food and line us up. We would tell them what we want and they would put it on our plates then hand it back. We did this 3 times a day. The breakfast food was always the best.

I always hated how they made us do these activities. How they would group us together and take us to a room to do crafts or something else. I didn't feel joy being here.

Now that I'm 17 I'm allowed to do what I want. They gave me my own card key so that I can get back into the building and into my room.

To access the hallways that lead to the rooms you needed a key card. It's for the children's safety so that nothing happens to them.

I never imagined that I would be put into an orphanage.

I stared at the picture of my parents at sat on my dresser. Taeyeon slipped it into my bag when she took me to get stuff from my house. I'm glad she did or I never would've remembered them.

I slowly regained my memory. I regained a lot after I snuck into the head office and grabbed my folder when I was 14. It was when I learned my parents died in the car crash that caused me to lose my memory.

The stuffed fox that I decided to take with me when I was 7 was a gift from my mother. It was a birthday gift and it's still on my bed today.

My birthday was a few weeks ago and the birthday party was awkward since I'm the oldest, but they did give me money so I can get something that I actually wanted. So I went out to buy something like a normal person and I was intrigued by this book store. I saw a bright light in the corner of my eye and a gust of wind blow in the direction of the store.  

So I went inside, took a look around and that's where I got the book that started it all.
Heyo~ Make sure to comment and tell me your thoughts on the story so far.

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