Chapter 3

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Dimitri Pov

I search all the places Rose may have went nothing she was still in Russia because the Strigoi were leaving while she was here. My old friend informed me she took down a building of 30strigoi by herself.

I knew it was possible the way she threw me around like i was of no weight. Finally i found her funny she was with the father Abe he sent her on hunting missions put her rage to use of strigoi.

I knock on his door his guards let me in he ran to me. What have you done to my daughter she's a killing machine a monster now. I know i said im sorry i left her alone when i shouldnt have and spirit Darkness consumed her for good.

She tried to kill me a few weeks ago and may still now i dont care im not leaving her again. Abe told me about her mood swings how she took down the whole house because someone drank her juice.

So he sent her on Strigoi missions to hunt and kill them. Rose had cleared top populated strigoi area in just 3weeks in Russia. My Roza fighting killing at least 50 strigoi a day.

Its hard to believe anything human can do that. Alot Moroi are visting Russia now because Rose scarred off most of the strigoi and killed the other half. Its the safest place for now from Strigoi i had to stay strong think of a plan.

Last time Rose lost it to Darkness i was there for here she fought back think Dimitri what happened different this time? Well of course last time we had sex but i dont think thats it Rose wanted sex she had a reason to fight back me and Lissa.

No Rose wanted Darkness she let it consume her thats why Lissa says Rose Aura is a burning Flame. She has the actual spirit of Darkness inside her i read about it while trying to find her.

There are several spirits combined to make a person a spirit user lets see their is the Pure, Healer, Dreamwalker, Mind, and Darkness Spirits they All balance each other keeping the user stable to weild them and control them.

I think because Rose use to take Lissa's Darkness so much when she welcomed the Spirit it took Rose body she wasnt a spirit user she didnt have the others to help balance it consumed her.

Rose did this to herself so she wants it consuming her lissa told me Rose doesnt feel anymore. What have i done she letting it control her so doesnt feel any emotions but anger to just be a guardian. She stab Tasha i dont think she tried to kill her Rose couldve snap her neck easily.

Tasha did attack Rose first because she was jealous Lissa healed Tasha but she lost her baby. Adrian hasnt even spoken to Tasha he to busy trying to help Rose i guess he really does love Rose also. They told me Rose broke his arms and Legs before and choke him all the time until he blacks out.

Her anger set towards spirit users unprevoked on her own i wonder why. Abe told me Rose wont be back until another week he would not be there when she returns and see's me he laughed told me goodluck.

He also told me Rose didnt try to kill me i would be dead if she did. Rose gets pleasure in knocking her victims unconscious. The only thing i can do is try to let her know how much i love her ask to go in missions with her i think saying sorry will piss her of she will just laugh.

Reminds me of when i was strigoi but i had to do anything to get Rose to at least let me tag along with her. I fell asleep that night not for Long Mr.Ivashkov dream walked me great he better have good news i thought and yes he did.

Adrians POV

I figured it out i found out what happen to Rose we were looking in the wrong place. We were researching spirits yes we find some helpful things but we never looked for darkness spirit creator. I looked into strigoi's history and found out Darkness spirit was the creator of the first Strigoi.

Each spirit use to be in one moroi but one moroi felt the powers were to great for some so he stole all theirs spirits and place it into himself he was the original Pure Spirit. From there new spirit users had  them all they made him a little crazy sometimes, but it was better than what the originals were doing.

The darkness moroi was killing even kids and anyone after the spirit was removed he was left as a strigoi the first immortal he spread his blood. The books says only a piece of the spirit in the users thats also why darkness was always just a dark shadow, but the original darkness spirit itself was a burning flame.

This spirit has only been seen by one the Moroi who stole all the other spirits into himself Vernon Vladimir the great great great grandfather of St.Vladimir himself. If we figure out how he pulled the spirit out we can do the same to Rose she may be left a strigoi but have charm stakes to reverse that.

I told Lissa she was excited but frowned because they dont know how rose pulled the spirit if she wouldve been normal she can tell them how she did it. Lissa can pull it back into her body pushing the actual Darkness back into its demension.

I know Dimitri is made about the whole tasha/Rose mux up incident but i'll tell him the truth. Tasha was evil i visited one night right after they left she compelled Dimitri to want sex with her.

I interupt before anything happened i told her i would report her if she did it again. I just dated her so she would leave Dimitri alone, i compelled Dimitri to never lock eyes with tasha her eyes were invisible to him.

I didnt love her i just gave her what she wanted until i could find away to expose tasha. It seems she expose herself at the party trying to kill Rose tasha cheating on me anyways im sure that baby wasnt mine it didnt feel right.

Tasha was arrested after she healed she was stupid to do that in front of Royals from Court. Time to tell Dimitri great he's sleep i pulled into his mind to dreamwalk

"Dimitri let me explain the whole Tasha after i was done he believed me and said thanks. Then i told him about thee actual Darkness spirit jumped into rose it hasnt been seen in hundreds of years. Dimitri gave me information i didnt know that rose was broken her spirit meaning soul was lost she gave up on life. How Ana did with St.Vladimir only Rose didnt kill herself she welcomed the spirit only users can do that pull and take a spirit. Rose was bonded to Lissa Rose figured out how to pull Lissa darkness all the time. Not realizing she was weaking her own spirit but she would fight in the past. But because Rose wanted death she left her soul open darkness was there, it had a chance to consume one body on its own thats why it jumped into Rose. Its free again Rose did not just take Lissa Darkness she took "Thee darkness of Spirit" she pulled it from every spirit user. No Dimitri told me the spirit cant jump into users, Rose actually pulled the spirit into herself willingly. To break your soul is the only way to pull spirits its a big risk you can loose yourself like Rose did only a spirit user can reverse it. I would love to try but i dont think i can handle it i was always drunk to avoid my darkness. I've never really dealth with it Lissa would be better no wait Ms.Karp is best option she was strigoi also returned back Moroi. I told Dimitri i would call her tomorrow and let him know my plans we exhange numbers in our mind. I leff him to dream as normal.

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