tag six

15 5 5

I was tagged by violet_storm

Would you date an eighteen year old at the age you are right now?

Yeah, considering I, myself, am eighteen.

Would you smile at a stranger?

Unless the stranger is under 5 years of age, I think the fuck not. Like, CRIPPLING ANXIETY PEOPLE!!!


People are rude.

What are you wearing right now?

A pair of green pajamas and a patterned, red baggy top

How often do you listen to music?

Whenever I feel like it. Which is these days twice a week

Are you a social or antisocial person?

I'm... Semisocial if that makes sense.

Do you care if people talk badly about you?

Maybe... okay yes. I'm a bit narcissistic and don't handle negativity well.

When was the last time you cried?

Two days ago because aNxiEtY hAtH aRriVeD

Is there someone you'd do absolutely anything for?

Yes of course. Me.
Don't @ me.

Have you ever wanted someone you couldn't have?

Have you ever wanted someone you couldn't have?

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Do you replay events in your head?

Of course. Doesn't everyone?

Is your life anything it was like two years ago?

In some ways yes, in others, no.

Two years ago I was suffering through the process of applying to  new schools and now it's university.

Two years ago I was a more positive person than I am now.

Have you ever cried over someone?

Happens to the best of us. We are all surrounded by shitheads.

How do you look right now?

Like hell.

What colour would you change your eye colour to if you could?

I'd make it either grey or emerald green. I have the genes for both+blue eyes!! It's a travesty that I was denied this!!


I'm gonna tag - *checks who hasn't done this yet* - The_girlwholived, angelisbutera, romapada.

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