walk, walk, fashion baby

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Today we have our farewell party at school.

A farewell party is sorta different from a school disco/prom but basically the same.

Okay so what happens is that all the XII graders (that's us) and XI graders (the freeloaders) get dressed all fancy and show up to school around 3pm. We take some pictures for a half hour or so. After that we'll be subjected to the pure torture that is the Formal Showcase.

The Formal Showcase... Oh, how do I even begin to explain the Formal Showcase.
The Formal showcase is spectacular.
It has all the teacher's pets being honoured for being teacher's pets and a slew of terrible singers
I hear that bullshit isn't insured for $10,000
I hear it fools people into thinking it's cool... on Mars.
It's favorite pastime is torturing us.
One time it had an actual shot at being remotely interesting, and it ignored it.
One time (last year) it bored me to almost death...it was not awesome.

After that, we have Dinner. Except dinner is usually pretty terrible. Which is why we have

The Unofficial After Party. Everyone's who's going will go to a restaurant and we'll basically do more of the same except half of us will escape to smoke while the rest of us will embarrass ourselves doing karaoke.

Also my friend (who we'll call LQ for anonymity's sake) is making me wear a SAREEEEE!!! I've never worn a saree before!

Except you can't buy one in my size because I have ridiculously narrow shoulders so we had to go buy chiffon cloth and give it to a dressmaker.

And we did that today.

It's got a dark grey blouse and black borders and a sea green everything else.

I'll probably post a picture of it tomorrow.

Wish me luck!

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