
12 2 2

12:04 PM

I'm in this place and it's very cold here cuz someone decided to blast the AC.

Oranges and lemons all for a penny

Why do people think they need air conditioner in mid April??

I miss my socks and my room.

All my friends from class are snakes 🐍🐍🐍

I asked this friend of mine who's also a classmate if she could help me with studying accounting and she said yes on Monday and then bailed on me yesterday and life is not fun and then my dad asked this accountant guy to help me with this today and he doesn't even understand the question.


I want pasta.

Fettuccine Alfredo, Spaghetti Carbonara, Putanesca

With CHEESE!!!!



I really should study rn. I can't. I wanna but why brain??? Why you no lemme study???

(Plus, why won't Wattpad let me upload gifs?? What the fuck??)

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