42. "And I, you"

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She was standing by the window that evening, listening to the sweet beckoning of the Cuckoo on the mango tree nearby.

Monsoons were just about the corner and she had felt the sweet breeze on her face, the fresh breeze bring along a moisture and sweetness of Earth.

She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath.

The sheer white curtains were playing hooky with the naughty breeze as they raised and fell over her.

It was her last day today as a part of Khurana constructions. She was given a sweet send off by her colleagues. Adi Sir had in fact given a small farewell speech. Sasha ma'am had looked truly happy too.

"Good luck Geet" she had said and there was a lack of any insult that usually followed.

All in all, it was a good day.

She touched the windows grills with her finger, passing her index finger along the length.

Tomorrow was a new day, a new Dawn bringing a new beginning.

She would go back to studying, she would be independent.

She sighed as she closed her eyes to fight the nerves.

Another waft of breeze had touched her but this was different. If there was sweet zephyr that touched her face, there's also something warm she felt at the back of her neck.

"You've come" she said without turning.

She felt hands around her waist as he rested his chin on her shoulder.

"Missed me?"

"Dadima had"

"The last time we had this conversation, you know how it ended".

She had turned then in his hold, remembering the evening in rain, and how it ended.

She smiled, although she had her forehead touching his.

The sheen of the white curtains fell around them.

"You were getting all sentimental in the mail, so why don't you tell me now about how much you missed me?"

"At least one of us has to, to create balance" she said making him grin.

"Ouch" he said. "Did you comment on my emotional unavailability? You hurt my sentiments Geet" he said jocularly, although he had pulled her closer with a hand encircling her waist.

The cologne of his overpowered her making her toes curl, making her breath hitch.

There's something about Maan...

He was powerful not just by the physical strength he seemed to exhibit but also by the sort of hold he had on her. But something about the construct of a man with his eyes clouded by passion has a different charm altogether.

Doesn't matter that this man was now in the solace of a mere curtain.

In a move surprising him, she kisses him on his cheek.

"I missed you"

"And I, you"

This time she welcomed when his lips touched hers, for they both felt home.

A bend in the road - Vol 1Where stories live. Discover now