39. Resignation

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To: maankhurana@khuranaconstructions.com

From: geethanda@khuranaconstructions.com

Sub: Resignation

Dear Mr. Khurana,

This is with acute regret that I have to submit my resignation to you from your post of secretary.

It was a pleasure working with you for the past eight months and I have learnt a lot.

However, I wish to pursue my higher education and hence with a heavy heart, I have to resign to my position as your secretary. Please accept my resignation as soon as possible and request you to approve my quick relieving for me to start my education at the University.




To: geethanda@khuranaconstructions.com

From: maankhurana@khuranaconstructions.com

Sub: RE:Resignation

Dear Ms.Handa,

I reject the resignation letter since it lacks spice in my honest opinion.

I am pretty sure there's another version you've been saving in your drafts for some time now ever since you started working for me which has a few colorful words. I would love to read that. Send it and you'd be relieved as soon as possible.

Warm regards,

Maan Khurana.

To: maankhurana@khuranaconstructions.com

From: geethanda@khuranaconstructions.com

Sub: Your honest opinion

Dear Mr. Khurana,

I am surprised to receive your response which I believe to not be a part of company policy. I reject your rejection of my resignation and urge you to quit being a pain and approve it.



To: geethanda@khuranaconstructions.com

From: maankhurana@khuranaconstructions.com

Sub: Spice

Dear Geet,

Now that's the spice I was talking about.

I sincerely believe that you and I both know I'm a pain in the ass. Now that we got the most important part aside, which university are you going to join and what course? Pray tell me your line of study at least isn't as boring as you.



To: maankhurana@khuranaconstructions.com

From: geethanda@khuranaconstructions.com

Sub: Boring??

Dear Maan,

It is such an irony that a boring person (you) calls an interesting person (me) boring.

I'm joining St. Patrick's university. I'm confused between taking literature and psychology.

What would you suggest?



To: geethanda@khuranaconstructions.com

From: maankhurana@khuranaconstructions.com

Sub: Your subjects

Your subjects, your choice. Think of what you want to do in life than what you are going to study for a short term. You'll figure it out.

PS: Am I not getting that mail?



To: maankhurana@khuranaconstructions.com

From: geethanda@khuranaconstructions.com

Sub: Mail

In your dreams.



To: geethanda@khuranaconstructions.com

From: maankhurana@khuranaconstructions.com

Sub: Dreams

I have a rather busy schedule with my dreams love. They seem to not take the name of anything else but you.

I'm not sure if they are as interesting as yours had been though.



To: maankhurana@khuranaconstructions.com

From: geethanda@khuranaconstructions.com

Sub: Home


Please come home soon.

PS: I think even writing personal mails isn't in your company policy.

PPS: For a change I am going to not care about company policies and say this: I miss you.


A bend in the road - Vol 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora