8. Fear or Lust

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Beard did suit him, she had thought and felt like either jumping off the top floor, or die laughing at the atrocity of her thoughts.

Sitting amidst the brief of one of the most important projects to the company, and sharing the same room with big wigs and decision makers, this was the last thing that has to be on her mind. But then if she had to quote Maan Sir, she did have some nerve. That nerve got her till here.

She zoned in again and started quietly observing a discussion Rishi’s team was having with Maan Sir, briefing about the status of the project, along with Mr. Chopra who seemed to have got doubly happy and more content now that the boss is here.

With due respect she loved her project and felt she learnt a lot in the past month than she had ever, after coming to Delhi. And she knew she did nothing to get an opportunity beyond her qualification. The only thing left for her to claim in her defence was that she was passionate about work, and she had this weird sense of going off tangent with ideas that had either amused or impressed or had both the effects on onlookers.

Except on her boss of course. Speaking of whom, her eyes drifted back to his profile that was slightly aglow thanks to the setting sun rays that fell over him from the glass of the window.

He was right now listening intently with his hands locked and perched on top of his knees, his posture bent forward in his seat, a small frown creasing his forehead that came up which told that the other person has his entire attention.

Despite Rishi being as forever perfect and fully devoted to his job, she knew that his boss intimidated him. She felt a smile at the edge of her lips. His boss did live up to his reputation. They say, you will skip a heartbeat either out of fear or lust…

Something in her smile faded as she lowered her eyes and faked taking notes out of the meeting while in reality she was sketching Chopra’s less hairy head.

Two days ago the same statement made her laugh till her stomach hurt. She still remembered once when Pinky went all dreamy sighs on her boss, which had made laugh till her eyes were wet with tears of pure laughter. It felt very strange to her, how somebody could look at her boss and feel that way…

True, she had never behaved as a secretary to her boss and had crossed all professional boundaries and treated him casually, but she had never seen him in any angle other than the twisted relationship they shared.

She wasn’t sure what they were. Too far from being friends, far from being civil to each other. But there had been moments; moments where she felt he was the only person she could trust her deepest sorrows with, who would provide a shoulder to cry on…

There were also moments where she thought she didn’t even know who he is…

Two nights ago, the thin truce they have had seemed to be disturbed, wiping the professional boundary they had.

Fear or lust…

Her mind reeled around those two words.

She always thought she had felt neither for him. She hasn’t until two nights ago.

She remembered what happened two nights ago, in the corridor, and felt tingles on her palm, where his lips touched her skin.

Fear crippled her, fear for the overwhelming emotions that strongly took hold of her, fear of the vulnerability in his eyes that almost maddened her to the point of reaching out for him, to do something, anything to take it away from his eyes.

Between them both, he was the stronger. She never had nor wanted to see the vulnerability in his eyes, which shined like liquid brown wax, twisting her insides.

She felt fear, if not for him, for something that was happening between them.

If she weren’t as shaken up as she is, she would’ve jokingly thought “One down, one to go”.


She felt a chill in the wind around and raised her eyes only to have all the eyes on her.

She broke into a cold sweat wondering what part of her musings she had spoken aloud.

Her eyes wandered to Rishi who was encouraging her to speak up. Her brows joined into a frown as she realized she is supposed to speak something. Was she thrown any question? If she did, who had asked?

Her eyes wandered along and stopped at him, who has had his piercing gaze focused only for her, and she felt her heart stop for a moment before picking up its pace and running a marathon.

His face was unreadable with his fist closed and rested against his jaw, as he had his eyes only for her, as if nothing ever existed except for her.

“Geet…” it was Rishi who came to her rescue “…Would you like to have the question repeated?”

He’s an angel.

“Yes please” Geet said, with a slow smile directed at Rishi, not unaware at the piercing gaze that tingled her that set her heart ablaze.

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