32. Beginnings

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"Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?"

Nainatara blinked at the question. The awkwardness still didn't dissipate and she tried to control the color that's climbing up her neck.

Don't overthink this.

That's the mantra in her head. She was glad she took the question first.

At least she wouldn't have time to overthink.

"Hugh grant"

He didn't see that coming of course.

"Hugh grant?" He asked.

"There was a time I had a thing for voices and I then had a huge crush on him".

Dev leaned forward, his arms resting on his knees as he looked at her interested.

"On top of it, he has British accent" he said nudging her further into the conversation, although biting a smile.

"Exactly" she says not catching that it's a bait to make her more comfortable.

"Do you still have a crush on him?"

"Not particularly" she said "But you know once a person is a crush, they would eternally earn a soft spot"

"Whom would you invite?" She asked him now.

He relaxed in his seat, his fingers pressing the bridge of his nose from either side, his classic position when he's deep in thought.

"There was this girl in college" he told her. "She was very silent. The poster girl for a quiet nerd. Very sweet and very polite. College kids are ruthless, they made fun of everyone in vicinity. And she wasn't an exception. I wasn't exactly a great guy back then. Most of the times I didn't participate in the prank business but one day, it was a dare so someone asked me to go propose to her as a joke. I did"

Dev pushed his glasses over the bridge of his nose. "She didn't say anything for a moment and she hesitated before taking the rose I was holding. Then everyone broke into laughter, who were hiding behind the pillars. She looked up then and there wasn't disgust. There was hurt for placing faith in the wrong person."

"I am sorry, I told her then. She shook her head, without any malice and said; No, I'm sorry for believing you're different"

"Wow" Tara said. "Do you know her whereabouts?"

"Don't know. But I think she falls in my long list of people to whom I own an apology. If I ever find her, I owe her a dinner and an apology"

"And a rose" Tara told him.

Dev smiled at her.

"And a rose"

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