Ever since I came to the palace, nothing ever made sense anymore.

Plopping myself back on the bed I sighed, closing my eyes as sleep was overtaking me again. Honestly, it wasn't convenient at all, waking up regularly at nights after such eventful evenings. I was beginning to feel the exhaustion intoxicating my body more and more with each day.

"You're back." the quiet whisper made me nod merely as I lifted the covers up towards my shoulders, making myself comfortable again. He draped his arm around my middle loosely, shifting himself closer to me but not enough for our bodies to touch. The movement made me snap my eyes open, cautiously glancing at him as he continued to 'sleep', our faces close enough so I could see his every detail.

The smooth texture of his skin, the gentle glow of the tip of his nose, plump and glossy lips, eyelashes so long they caressed under his eyes, his silky hair, his gentle breaths.

So close yet so far.

Every time I saw his face, I couldn't help but remember the night he forbid me to see Jungkook. It was something that made me grow further away from him, even though it wasn't something that made me hate him. It was something that made me simply angry with him and his unreasonable actions.

Sighing I turned to my side, proceeding on examining his features in silence. The way his arm laid across my waist leisurely was actually calming, it brought some kind of reassurance and safety to my system.

Once again, in his hold, I felt the intriguing familiarity in his presence. One again I felt like I wasn't in the king's bed at all, like I wasn't laying next to one of the most mightiest men in the world. I felt calm and content.

"What made you choose me?" I blurted out all of a sudden, the tiredness talking instead of me as I was too exhausted to think straight. "Why me?" opening both his eyes he looked straight at me, our noses close enough to brush against each other once he decides to lean in just a little.

"You really want to know?" his voice raspy, low and deep, sounding like a lullaby was something I unconsciously learned to love about this man. Staring, I wondered whether I really wanted to hear the truth.

Was I ready to know? Did he have any specific intentions when he picked me out of all those girls? They were all just as much if not more beautiful than me. What could be the reason behind his decision to pick me?

"I-" I faltered, frowning as I looked down from his eyes to his neck.

"Maybe," he started, his breath caressing my face as he shifted himself higher on the pillow, looking down at me. "that's something for you to not know. For now." loosing my fists limply between our chests, I frowned.

"Why not now?" I murmured, the heat beneath our shared covers lulling me to sleep sweetly. It was hard for me to keep my eyes open so I blinked slowly, trying to keep them open even though I didn't bother to look at him as his close presence was enough of a reassurance that he was there, present and listening.

"You're not ready to know the truth yet."

"Why not?" chuckling silently he caressed my back with his fingers, my eyes getting heavier with each soothing brush of our skin.

"Sleep now. We can talk about that once you're rested."

"Stupid, stupid, stupid-" and it continued on and on as I laid my head against the table with my arms hanging at my sides limply.

Who would have thought that exhaustion could bring you to the total brink of madness? Could I have really said that? Ask such a question? Remembering it now, it was such a blunt question I could have earn myself a pretty huge trouble.

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