Chapter Forty-Nine

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{Octavia's Point of View}

I whimpered as we pulled up to my house. I wasn't looking forward to telling my parents that I was still alive. Especially since they already had the funeral and everything. My wives moved their hands to my knees and squeezed. They could feel the disaster that my emotions were through the mate bond, and I was almost sorry that they could feel it too. I sighed, but lifted my head and looked at both of my mates, nodding at them.

"Let's go. Better to get this over with than to continue to put it off."

I sighed hard, climbing out of the car, with my wives close behind. I wrapped my arms around them and pulled them as close to my body as I could get them, whimpering softly. I rubbed my hands against their sides, indulging in having them in my hands again. I dug my fingers into their sides, whimpering at the thought of losing them again.

I sighed again, coming to a stop as we got to the front door of my house. I released Winifred on my right so that I could bring my fist to the door and knocked hard. We waited for a few minutes and there was yelling and thumping as someone came to the front door. My mother's voice could be heard as she growled at whomever it was and shooed them off.

She opened the door and stared at the three of us. She smiled warmly at my wives, and then her gaze shot to me in the middle and I grinned softly. She started scowling and growled at my wives.

"What kind of sick joke is this?"

I growled deep in my throat as my mates whimpered and started to cower at my mothers' voice. I stepped in front of them and stood closer to my mother, glaring down at her.

"You won't talk to them like that, mother."

Through my growling, her snarls turned to soft whimpers. Her eyes were still hard, but she looked from myself to my wives and then back to me. She held her hands to her chest and her eyes started to soften.

"Is... Is it really you?"

I nodded, moving to hold my arms out so that my mom could hug me. I let out a yelp in surprise as she jumped at me, wrapping her legs around my belly and her arms around my neck, sobbing hysterically into my shoulder. I chuckled softly and rubbed her back, hushing her as she sobbed harder. My mates weren't even jealous at the affections from my mother, because they knew that losing me was harder on her than it was on them.

My mother had left the door open, so we made our way into the house. Janessa closed the door behind us, and I motioned with my head for the pair to follow into the kitchen. That was where we held almost all of our meetings with the pack, so why not make use of it to let them know that I was back? I leaned against the counter, still holding my sobbing mother and let out a soft sigh. I leaned my head back as best I could so I could yell loud enough for everyone to hear me.


My father was the first into the kitchen to challenge me, since I had used my Alpha authority, but as soon as he saw me, he dropped to his knees. He held his arms up like he was praying to a god that wasn't ours. After him, the rest of the pack followed into the kitchen. The whole shoulder of my shirt was soaked with my mother's tears. I wasn't even sure where she was getting the tears at this point.

I moved my arms to try and pry her off, but she just tightened her grip on me. I groaned, getting uncomfortable now. But, as it was, I wasn't going to be able to get away from my mom until she knew I was for sure back. I sighed softly and looked at both of my mates sadly. They just laughed at me. Laughed! At me! I scowled at them, but moved my attention back to the pack that had just finished filing into the kitchen.

All through the pack, there were gasps and whimpers as they noticed that it was me who called the meeting. I held a hand up around my still sobbing mother.

"I know you have a lot of questions. I'll try to answer them the best I can."

I waited for everyone to nod and agree before I continued. I took a deep breath and moved my arms around my sobbing mother and let it out. My mother snuggled deeper into my shoulder.

"From what I understand, Cassandra found my bike, and then told you all that I died."

I looked around the room and saw all the nods of agreement. I crossed my legs at the ankles and leaned against the counter a bit more, trying to make myself comfier while still holding my mother.

"Well, I'm not dead." I chuckled softly before continuing. "I woke up in Germany two days ago. Thankfully, Janessa was in Germany with the Vampire Elders at the location I was being cared for in."

I looked over at Janessa, who was rubbing her belly gently.

"A man by the name of Jarrod was attempting to wed my wife - " I was cut off by snarls and growls, along with squealing chairs against tile. "Settle. I took care of him. He beat me up fairly bad, but it wasn't anything I can't handle." I moved my arm around my mother, who tightened her grip around my neck.

"I don't remember much from the accident, but I remember that it was an older Buick that hit me, and then proceeded to run me over." I tapped my chin. "There was a demon woman there who said something about a mate, so if she shows up at our doorstep, don't hurt her. I want her to explain."

I looked around the room again, noticing that my best friend was glaring me like she wanted to kill me. I cleared my throat and continued on.

"Anyway. I don't remember what the town in Germany is, but I don't think we'll have any issues with the Elders. They seemed to acknowledge me as Janessa's wife after I ripped Jarrod's head from his body." I chuckled softly, which had Janessa snuggling into my side, purring.  I wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled close, while Winifred wrapped her arms around my waist as best she could with my mother still clinging to me like a fucking koala.



{I published this before I was done writing it by accident.  Oops?  Well, it's done now, haha.  Next chapter is gonna be a filler chapter, because I'm a dick.  Oh well.  You love it.  It's just a sex chapter, you darling perverts.  <3  I apologize for not having this up sooner.  My male bearded dragon passed away on Thursday, and it was a huge blow to me.  Something hemorrhaged inside him, and he vomited blood all over his tank.  I'm still kinda shook up about it, but I'm glad he's not suffering with that anymore.  A lot of you have asked about my cousin.  She's doing well, but she looks really, really bad.  I went and saw her on Monday, and she looks like a skeleton.  She's not moving her left arm at all, and it's all bruised and gross looking.  Her legs aren't much better.  She's got a wheelchair she's moving around in, and her doctor said she's got a bunch more cancerous tumors in her lungs that are moving through her other organs.  She's got the type of cancer that moves through the body, and it's super aggressive (I'm blanking on the name right now, so I'm sorry that I don't have the name).  On a more positive note, I was thinking about doing an About the Author, so if you guys want one of those, just ask me some questions?  I don't know.  

Much love!


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