Chapter Forty-Four

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{Octavia's Point of View}

Beep!  Beep!  Beep!

I groaned hard and tried to move.  I felt like a robot.  I wiggled my fingers and winced.  I could hear shuffling beside me and I growled, which hurt more than I thought it would.  I winced and tried to move my hands.  I heard the shuffling beside me get louder, and a voice.

"Bleib still" (Stay still.)

I felt hands on me, and I growled louder, going to move.  I forced my hands to move and forced my eyes to open, wincing as the lights were too bright.  I moved my hand to go to my other arm and grabbed the IV that was in my arm.  I growled deep in my chest as the woman moved to my bedside and slapped my hand.

"Hör auf damit!" (Stop that)"

I growled at the woman, gasping as I looked at her.  She was a fucking demon.  Her long black hair cascaded down her back, while her grey-blue skin was flawless.  She had curled ram horns that curved around the side of her head.  I moved to sit up and let out a deep snarling noise when she moved her hands to push me back on the bed.

  I moved to sit up and let out a deep snarling noise when she moved her hands to push me back on the bed

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{Keirstan, minus the blue-gray skin}

"Nicht bewegen!" (Stop moving!)

She growled at me, baring her fangs.  I noticed that her whip-like tail was lashing behind her like an angry cat.  I moved my legs and kicked the blanket off, squirming away from her.  The woman, who snapped her teeth, moved to a cabinet with several drawers, opening one and pulling out a syringe.  I watched as she snarled, grumbling angrily to herself, and moved back to my side and stabbed the IV in my arm with whatever was in the syringe.  Within moments, I was asleep again.

Beep!  Beep!  Beep!

I gasped loud and sat up straight, breathing heavily.  I looked around the room I was in, noticing that it's still the same room as before.  The lights were still too bright, but I forced my eyes to adjust.  I was panting heavily, looking around.  I noticed that the nurse that had been attending me was sleeping in one of the chairs that was in my room.

I looked to my right and noticed that I was still attached to an EKG machine, an oxygen machine, and a few others.  I moved my hands again, not particularly able to move my fingers right now, but I forced them to work.  I held my breath, pulling all the IV's out and detached myself from everything.  When I was detached, I noticed that I was naked, but I didn't care.  

I moved my legs off of the bed, keeping an eye on the nurse across from me, making sure that she's still asleep.  I scooted myself off of the bed, and touched my bare feet to the floor.  I winced lightly, keeping my hissing to myself.  I bit my lip to keep from whimpering when I put my weight on my legs.

Everything fucking hurt, and I could tell I still wasn't fully healed.  Damn.  Whoever ran me over really fucked me up.  I quietly made my way to the door, which was open, and snuck out of the room.  I continued down the hallway, not really knowing where I was going, but I kept walking down the hallway.  I noticed that the hallway was very clean, which was strange, considering the places we had been before.

I could feel whatever that demon was giving me in the IV fading from my system, and everything started hurting worse.  I groaned ever so softly, and wrapped my arm around my own belly, biting my lip to keep from being louder.  I let out a soft sigh as I came to a dead end.  I looked both ways, trying to figure out which way was the way out.  I perked up when I heard faint voices.

I tilted my head, trying to understand what the voices were saying, but I couldn't.  So, my curiosity got the better of me, and I made my way to where the voices were.  Every so often, I would stop and listen, to make sure I was still going the right way.  As I continued down the hall, the hospital started to change into that of an office building.  I slowed down when I got to where the voices sounded like they were in the next room.

I stopped outside the door and listened.

"How sure are we that the child will accept that he isn't the father?"

"We won't tell him.   We'll raise him as our own."

"And when the wolf comes?  What will you do when the change comes?"

"Suppress it.  He doesn't need to know that his father is a mutt."

"And how soon is the wedding?"

"At the end of next week."

"She will marry.  She cannot refuse."

I stiffened when I smelled my mate.  Very faint, because of the sterile-ness of the hospital and the office building.  I growled quietly, deep in my chest as I stepped into the doorway, ignoring the fact that I was buck naked.  I took a step into the room and noticed that my Janessa was sitting on a throne with a man next to her that was holding her hand.  She looked broken.  The man next to her had a cruel smile on his face, and kept looking at my mate like he was looking at a piece of meat.

I watched as Janessa dropped her gaze to her huge, pregnant belly and rubbed it softly, tears rolling down her face.

Oh, fuck.  They all thought I was dead.  How fucking long had I been here?

I watched as the man next to my wife moved so that he could give her a kiss, and she pulled away from him.  I could now feel her discomfort through our mate bond.  Oh, thank the Goddess I didn't lose that.  I heard some shuffling and noticed that there were about six other vampires on either side of the room, in addition to Janessa and that man.  When the man reached over to grab Janessa's face and tried to force her to kiss him, I stepped further into the room and snarled as deeply as I could manage.

"My wife will be marrying no-one."


{Who-hoa!  Look at that!  This book will be ending soon, and that makes me sad.  I might do extra chapters or specials every now and then, but we'll see~  I've got another chapter coming up today, so look forward to it~!  Also, I used Google Translate for the German.  If it's not correct, please feel free to let me know, and I'll be happy to change it!

Much love!


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