Chapter Six

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{Winifred's Point of View}

{I was gonna have this up yesterday, but I had a work picnic thing that took all day, so when I got home I just went to bed.  I might get another chapter up today to make up for it, but we'll see.  I still have some classwork I gotta do.  Almost done with this term~}

The class had gone fairly smoothly after Octavia had left.  Everyone was quiet, which was a huge plus for me.  It gave me time to go over the next lesson plans I had for the next day and the rest of the week.  We weren't going very fast with this class, but we were doing well.  I sighed softly, moving my hand to my face, rubbing my eyes.  It had already been a long day, and it was just a little bit more than halfway done.  

I didn't like the feeling I had in my gut after Octavia had left.  I felt... Empty.  Like half of my soul had left.  I sighed softly and placed my head on my desk.  My eyes closed and I felt my body heat up.  My lower body tightened and I was getting very wet.  Oh, my.  I could feel fire rolling beneath my skin, and what felt like soft lips trailing across my skin.  Goosebumps rolled across my body and I trembled.

I could feel my panties getting wetter, and I'm sure that the other supernatural beings could smell my arousal.  I wanted to touch myself and take care of the aching between my legs.  I let out a shaky sigh and tried to calm myself.  When the feeling got to be too much, I felt a familiar tightening deep inside me, and when it released, I almost let out a loud moan.  I had cum, and I hadn't even done anything to cause it.  I was panting softly and I needed to get to a bathroom to clean myself up.

My panties were sticky and I needed to get them off, or replaced.  I lifted my head and noticed that all the supernatural beings were looking at me lustily and I knew why.  I stood quickly, my legs barely able to hold myself up.  Thankfully, my desk helped me for the time being.

"Class is over.  I apologize it's a little early, but something came up and I have to leave early.  Please place your finished papers on my desk and leave when you're finished."

I let out a shaky breath, took my purse and left without another word.  I walked down the hallway, a knowing pull in my chest.  I closed my eyes and sighed.  I had never felt this pull before and I knew exactly what it was.  The mate bond.  I had heard stories, and I didn't know I would ever feel it.  I had heard voices, and I knew it was my mate.  I followed the voices, and when I turned the corner, I noticed that Octavia had her arm around another woman.  I thought I would be angry, seeing as she was my mate.  

But I wasn't.  As soon as I saw both of them, I knew they were both mine.  We were made for each other.  Octavia looked up at me, and smiled warmly.  She held her hand out for me, and I made a beeline for her.  When she wrapped her arm around my waist and I pressed myself against her body, it felt right.  I purred softly, almost like a cat.  Octavia chuckled softly, tightening her grip on both of us.  We shouldn't have been doing this, as student and teachers, but here we were, walking down the halls as if she was a pimp and we were her whores.

I chuckled softly at the thought.  But, I honestly didn't care.  This felt right, even with there being three of us.  I wasn't sure who this other woman was, but at the same time, she felt right, too.  We'd get to know each other soon, I felt.  

Before I knew it, we were at Octavia's car and heading towards what I could only assume was her house.  I found that it didn't matter, as long as the three of us were together.

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