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{Octavia's Point of View}

I normally didn't let anyone drive my car. But here we are, with Winifred driving my baby with Janessa in the passenger seat and myself in the back. Janessa wanted to sit in the back with me, but I quickly declined, knowing she just wanted car sex. She was always trying to fuck, which I didn't mind, but we had to get all of this triple mate shit solved before we focused on us and our future.

I sighed softly, rubbing my face before dropping my head back against the seat and stared at the roof. I closed my eyes and just breathed. I didn't want to think about how this meeting with Winifred's mother was going to go. I honestly didn't like any of this, but what else could I do? One of my mates was engaged to a man, of all things, and she didn't want to hurt anyone.

I understood that. But, not making a choice hurt those involved, too. And if she didn't make a choice that would make her happy, she'd always be miserable. She may not have wanted to hurt anyone, but she also couldn't be miserable her whole life, could she? I blew out a puff of air and jumped slightly when Janessa placed her hand on my knee.

"Is everything okay, Daddy?"

I chuckled softly, the sound coming from deep within my chest. I lifted my head, looking at her sleepily. I honestly hadn't been sleeping all that great since I found these two. Winifred didn't want to ruin anything by having sex with us, and Janessa couldn't get enough sex.

As it was stated on one of my favourite cartoons, "The spirit is willing but the flesh is spongy and bruised."

"I honestly don't know how this meeting is going to go, and I'm a bit nervous?" I ended the statement as a question, not really knowing why there was a growing ball of nerves growing in my stomach. I couldn't quite place why I was nervous, but I could see that it was affecting Janessa and Winifred. I sat up, leaning forward with my face between the seats so they could both hear me clearly.

"If I'm honest, I think Winifred's mother is going to have an issue with her trying to break this engagement, and I don't think Winifred will fight her on it." I sighed softly, meeting Winifred's eyes in the rear view mirror. "I think she wants to make her mother happy, and I think there's an ulterior motive for her mother wanting her to marry this man she's engaged to." I didn't like what I was saying, but they'd know if I was lying to them. I looked back to Winifred's eyes in the mirror and I smiled sadly.

"We'll support whatever you want, Winifred. Just please do what makes you happy, okay?"

I know I couldn't force her to make a choice that she didn't want to, but Goddess, I didn't want her to be miserable. She smiled softly and went back to watching the road. We turned off the main road and I had hung my head, and Janessa moved her hand to play with my hair. I groaned softly as she softly massaged my head.

"We're here, you two."

Winifred killed the engine and didn't attempt to get out. Her heart rate had increased, and I looked up at her. She was biting her bottom lip and gripping the steering wheel like she was trying to crush it. I tilted my head and was about to say something when she turned to look directly at me.

"My mother is the Queen of the Succubi. She's... Very powerful and I'm sure she'll try something to take you away from... From us."

I could tell she was nervous about being with both myself and Janessa, but I was glad she was trying. I nodded softly, not sure what she wanted me to say. Without another word, we all got out of my car and she lead us to the mansion that her race lived in. She was very nervous and shaking. I rested my hand on her lower back, but not low enough to be on her ass, as much as I wanted to touch it. She relaxed a bit, but she was still nervous.

She pushed on the front doors and they opened with a loud creak. When she stepped inside, there was a few maids and butlers that froze and then bowed when they saw her. Whispers about her having returned were heard throughout the hall. A clearing of a throat was heard and our attention was brought to the woman sitting on the throne at the end of the long hall.

She looked gorgeous. Confidence rolled off of her in waves, which is always hella sexy. Her legs were crossed, and she was leaning back against the throne in such a cocky manner. I couldn't stop my eyes as they trailed over her body, starting at those slender, muscled legs. When I got to her thin waist, she uncrossed her legs and I noticed rather quickly that she wasn't wearing any panties. Oh, jeez.

She then crossed her legs again, and my gaze traveled further upwards, landing on her breasts. Holy shit the tits on this woman. I could bury my face in them and die a happy woman. I forced my gaze further up, and I winced slightly when I noticed that she was licking her lips and staring at me. I shuddered, not knowing how to react to any of this. Sure, I was into older women, but this woman had to be old enough to be my great, great, grandmother.

I felt Janessa and Winifred stiffen next to me, and Janessa pressed herself against my side. I could feel the jealousy coming off of her. The jealousy wasn't as strong from Winifred, but it was there. I took a shuddering breath and wrapped an arm around Janessa's waist, pulling her closer against me. I looked over to Winifred and nodded.

"Mother. I... I wish to call off the engagement to Archibald."

I moved to place my hand on Winifreds' back, rubbing gentle circles to comfort her.

"T-these two women are my mates."

The woman raised an eyebrow and uncrossed her legs, standing elegantly. If Winifred was going to look anything like her in the future, I was so dead. She made her way over to us slowly, swaying her hips like she was seducing us. I almost whimpered. I tightened my grip on Janessa's waist as the woman stopped in front of us.

"Winifred, dear. It's so nice to see you."

Oh god, her voice was like velvet. I got goosebumps. Is this what a fully awakened Succubus was like? I didn't stand a chance. I flinched when she looked directly at me, her face contorting into a grin and her eyes staring at me in such lust I almost felt naked. I stiffened completely when she stepped into my personal space, grabbed my face and pulled me down into a deep kiss. When she pulled back, I could feel part of my life essence leaving my own body to go to hers.

"Alpha.... My name is Leandra, Queen of the Succubi."


{Picture of Leandra at the top of the chapter. Will be removed upon request of the artist. I'm not making any profit from the picture}

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