Chapter Twenty-One

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{Octavia's Point of View}

I pulled Winifred from under my desk and stood against her, pushing her against my desk.  My pants were still down, and my throbbing dick was pressed between us.  I leaned my face close to her, grinning.  She leaned towards me, to kiss me, and I pulled back, dropping down to tug her panties off, making sure to trail my fingers down her calves as I did so.  A deep rumble in my chest showed my own pleasure at her reaction.

I stood when I held that tiny black fabric in my hands.  She watched me eagerly, biting her bottom lip as I moved.  I ran my fingers down her arms to her wrists, tugging them together and binding them together with her panties in front of her body.

"Too tight?" I asked her as I pushed her against the desk, my breath skirting against her neck.  When she shook her head, I growled softly.  "Good.  Now turn around."  I demanded.  She did as she was told, and I rubbed my throbbing crotch against her naked ass.  I leaned down and kissed her shoulder, teasing her with little nips and nibbles.  "Get comfy.  I don't want you to be uncomfortable."  I waited until she got her arms comfy under her, and rubbed my thick length against her sloppy core.  She stiffened, but I wasn't going to take her virginity.

I leaned down and kissed her shoulder, licking up to her neck.  "Breathe.  Your virginity is safe until we marry."  When she relaxed, I got my dick slick with her fluids and moved to her rear hole.  I groaned when she pushed her hips back against me, making my tip penetrate her.  I gripped the desk a bit harshly, sliding the tip of my dick into her.

I gasped when my tip was inside, and I bucked my hips, making sure that she stayed slick.  I didn't want to hurt her.  She was making it difficult by moving her hips against me, though.  I hissed through my teeth when she pushed back against me, taking my thick cock deeper into her body.  She hadn't been moaning loudly until I was halfway inside her.

When she started moaning loudly, I had to reign my wolf in.  She was trying to escape and I couldn't let her.  I pulled my dick out of her ass and whimpered when she pushed her hips back, whimpering, herself.  I slide back into her, further inside.  She was so damned tight, and I was almost at my limit.  I gasped and gripped her hips harshly when she bucked her hips against me and pushed the remainder of my length into her ass.  

"Fuuuuuuuuuck...." I groaned hard, leaning over her as she squirmed under me.  She looked back at me and whimpered.  I raised my eyebrow, and finally understood what she wanted.  I chuckled and held her hips in place.  When I started moving my hips roughly against her, she let out loud moans of pleasure, and her wet slapped against my pants and down her own legs.

I didn't stop until we both came.  And we came hard.  I hovered over her, making sure my hard orgasm was over before I pulled out of her.  My cum leaked out of her ass as I leaned down to kiss her shoulders gently.  I sighed and flopped back on my chair, pulling her into my lap, undoing the binding of her hands, rubbing her wrists where the panties dug into her.  I gave her soft kisses and gently rubbed her as she came down from her own orgasm high.


I rubbed my face as we stared at each other in my meeting room, which was across the hallway from my office.  We used this room for when we were planning for war, and having neighboring packs over in our lands.  Alpha Chrissiana was sitting across the table from me, with her Beta, Johnson, and Delta, Katherine.  She had told us the same story that Johnathon had told me earlier.

I leaned back in my chair.  I didn't want my mates in the meeting room, even though they would find out everything later that night.  I interlocked my hands in front of me as Chrissiana raised her eyebrows at me.

"What are you thinking, Alpha Octavia?"

She brought me out of my thoughts.  I tsked and crossed my legs at the ankles.  Leaning back in my chair, I looked at each person sitting at the table in front of me.

"What if this guy is leading us on a wild goose chase?"

My own Beta, Anastasia, started to stand up and argue, but I slapped my hand on the table, glaring at her.  I know she was protective of me, since we were best friends, but she needed to focus.

"Now, hear me out."

I looked at everyone again, meeting their eyes.  I wasn't even sure, but I had to flesh out the niggling idea I had in my mind.

"Let's just say, what if he's not actually after me?  What if he just messed up, and wants us to see that he's not actually hunting us?"

I stretched my hand out on the table.  It wasn't something I wanted to entertain, but it had to be brought up.  

"What makes you say that, Alpha Octavia?"

Chrissiana tilted her head in confusion.  She motioned for me to continue.

"What if he wasn't actually hunting us werewolves, but some other animal, and shot me by accident?"

Everyone looked at me like I had grown two more heads.  I held my hand up.

"I know it's not logical, but it's also something we have to look at.  I mean, he's been to what other territories, and hasn't shot anyone else?"

I asked, not knowing if the guy who shot me had been to other territories than mine and Chrissiana's.  We would have to up our defenses and our boarder watches to make sure that our boarders aren't being breached by this guy.


{Half a filler chapter, but we're moving along in the plot.  I'm actually in class right now.  xP  My goal for each chapter is pretty much between 900 and 1200+ words.  So far I've been able to hit that, save for the Unknown PoV.  Oh, well.  I haven't decided if the next chapter is going to be another Unknown PoV or not.  We'll see when I get there~

<3 CAEON}  

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