Chapter Twenty-Eight

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{Octavia's Point of View}

I stared at Winifred when she told me that she was pregnant.  It didn't bother me that she's pregnant.  It bothered me that it isn't mine.  Not that I wouldn't treat the child like mine, if she chose to keep it.  She looked at me with fear in her eyes.  She couldn't tell what I was feeling, just as I couldn't feel what she was feeling.  I wrapped my arm around her and rested my hand on her ass, squeezing and rubbed, doing the same thing to Janessa.  

"Do you want to keep it?"

She watched my reaction carefully.  I didn't want her to think that I wouldn't accept her if she wanted to keep it or get rid of it, so I made sure to explain.

"If you want to keep it, we'll handle it.  If you don't, we can set it up with Joseph."

She relaxed under my hands, both her and Janessa snuggling into my shoulders, while I rested my head on theirs.  She didn't answer for a bit, but she took a deep breath before she did.

"I want to keep it.  I... Know it's not yours, but I don't want to punish it just because of whose child it is."  She looked at me, smiling softly, rubbing her lightly protruding belly.  "Besides, as far as he or she knows, you're the father."  She told me, blushing deeper than I've ever seen her blush, which got me blushing.

I cleared my throat when Janessa reached over and rubbed Winifred's belly, smiling warmly.  She had started purring gently, and I let a similar sound come from deep within my chest.  

"Mm, then we'll raise it as ours."  I raised my head and looked at her, biting my bottom lip.  Letting out a soft sigh, I spoke, explaining to her.  "You know, Mirian was like me.  An intersex, or a hermaphrodite.  Whatever you call us in your worlds.  There's a very high possibility that the child will be like us."  I hummed softly, leaning back, squeezing their asses a bit roughly.  "Although, Mirian was created.  I was born like this.  So, that will make a difference."

I shrugged and gave a soft kiss to both of my mates.  "We'll burn that bridge when we cross it."  I smiled warmly, a deep purring noise coming from within my chest.  I had closed my eyes briefly, but then opened them and looked at Winifred.  

"Has Joseph taken a look at you yet?"

I know he had heard our conversation, but at the same time, he was good about not eavesdropping.  She made a soft noise and snuggled deeper into my shoulder, closing her eyes.

"He did a full check-up when we came back from Layani, but I didn't want him to check me over before I talked to you about this..."

Her voice dropped towards the end of her sentence, but I could tell she had really been worried about my not accepting the child.  It wasn't every day that your mate keeps the product of rape from your murderous ex.  I nodded softly, slapping her ass a bit harshly, gaining me a wondrous yelp.

"Well, that's going to change.  We wolves take pups very seriously."

I leaned over to give her a chaste kiss on the lips, and turning to do the same to Janessa, who was still rubbing circles on that baby bump.  I lifted my head and called for Joseph, who came almost immediately.  I moved my hand from Winifred's ass and motioned for him.

"Please give her a check-up.  Make sure the baby is healthy and everything is okay?"

He nodded, and went to go get his utensils he'd need for giving her a check-up.  When he came back, I squirmed under Winifred, urging her to move to the cot next to me, which she did.  I continued to rub Janessa's ass as he prepared Winifred's belly for the gel.

"This is going to be cold, and I'm sorry."

Winifred yelped a little when the gel landed on her belly, but held still as he did the ultrasound.  I watched as the little bean was showing itself on the screen.  Joseph nodded and looked over to me, smiling softly.

"Everything looks to be healthy, so that's a plus.  I can tell you if you're having a boy or a girl, if you'd like?"

I shook my head when Winifred looked at me.  She looked confused, but I brought up my point from earlier.

"Honestly, Joseph, the father of the child was like me, so we'll have to wait and see if it'll be like her.  She was created, though, while I was born like this."

He nodded and made a soft noise in the back of his throat.

"The fact that she was created shouldn't affect the gender, since her DNA would still be technically female, but I understand where you're coming from."  He smiled at both of us.  "So we'll wait and see."

I nodded, reaching over to grab Winifred's hand as Joseph cleaned her belly off and put his stuff away.

"I want her to come back and see me in three weeks so we can do another check-up.  If anything happens between now and then, don't hesitate to come see me."

He looked at me with daggers in his eyes and waved his finger at me.

"And you, Alpha, need to stop getting hit with silver.  You've got a child on the way now."

I chuckled as he shook his head and walked away.  Winifred came back to the cot with Janessa and I, snuggling back up to me.  I sighed softly.  

"I think we should go to my room.  The bed is much comfier, and I can properly hold you both without having to worry about one of you falling off the edge of the bed."

Both of my girls nodded and purred.  With their help, we managed to get to my room and we flopped down on my bed.  I groaned hard and held both of them as close as I could, enjoying their warmth.

"I love you both."

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