Chapter Nine

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{Winifred's Point of View}

I sat on Octavia's bed, hanging my legs off the side.  I had my legs crossed at the ankles, and Octavia was braiding my waist length hair.  I didn't mind it, since I loved feeling her hands on my body.  However, I felt like I was betraying Archibald with my feelings.  I sighed a bit hard and Octavia leaned forward and kissed my shoulder, sparks shooting through my body at the simple touch.

"What's bothering you, Winifred?"

I jumped when she spoke directly to me.  I know Succubi are supposed to be these confident, sexy women, but I certainly didn't feel like that now.  I toyed with the engagement ring that was on my hand.  I didn't really care for it, but Archie had given it to me, and my mother approved.  Would she approve of this relationship?  I wasn't even sure if Octavia could give my kind kids.  I sighed again and leaned back against her, making her yelp in surprise, but she wrapped her arms around my waist anyway.  She kept playing with my hair as I closed my eyes and spoke.

"I'm already promised to someone else."

I felt Octavia stiffen underneath me.  I could practically hear the gears turning in her head.  I didn't dare look at her.  Before she could say anything, Janessa spoke up.

"Is it serious?  Do you love him?"

I winced at her questions, still toying with the engagement ring.  Did I love him?  I mean, sure.  I did love him.  But, not like I should.  He's a man, and well, I'm totally gay.  I groaned softly.  I heard Octavia take in a deep breath and her thighs stiffened.  Was she trying to keep her dick from getting hard?  

"I..." I sighed.  "I want to.  My mother picked him years ago to continue our breed.  I am expected to carry many children for my race as the Princess, and soon to be Queen.  As for love..." I toyed with the ring a little more.  "I do love him, but not in the way I'm supposed to?"  I scrunched my face, getting off of the bed and pacing in the bedroom.  "If I were to marry him, I would like to believe that I could come to love him like I'm supposed to?"  I raised my hands and sighed again.

"If you want to be with him, you will have to reject both of us."

Octavia spoke, and I could feel the sadness in her.  She didn't want that, and it didn't feel like Janessa wanted that, either.  And then Octavia chuckled, looking at Janessa and then back to me.

"Although, if your family, er, mother, is worried about you getting pregnant, I am more than capable of getting you both pregnant.  I do have the proper parts."

I could see Octavia blushing while Janessa moved herself from her pillows and poked Octavia in the inner thigh.  

"I knew you had the dick from our previous romps, but you have the rest of it, too?"

Octavia blushed harder and sighed, getting closer to the edge of the bed and spreading her legs.  

"Here.  This is what I have.  No touching.  We're talking important things now."  With those words, she glared at Janessa.  Without another word, we both got to our knees in front of her.  She sighed softly, blushing very, very hard and tugged her panties down.  She touched her limp dick and moved it aside to show us her attached balls and her pussy.  I was shocked.  I had never seen anyone like her before and it made my loins tremble.  

I was still a virgin, which was a part of my Tribe's customs.  The Royalty had to stay virgins until they were married or they lost their spots.  I don't know how they knew, but they did.  I could hear Octavia growl and curse.

"Fuuuuck.  I can smell both of you getting turned on.  This was a terrible idea."  she groaned as she shoved her appendages back into her panties with difficulty.  Without another word about her junk, she looked back at me, and I squirmed under her darkened yellow gaze.  Ah, shit, my panties were getting very wet.

"You have to make a choice, Winifred."  I gulped a bit loudly.  "You can stay with this man that you're engaged to and reject us both, or you can call off the engagement."  Octavia stated, her eyes darkening a bit more, and I could smell not only her arousal, but Janessas' as well.

"However.  I cannot stop the.... Urges we have.  I can keep mine under control enough around you until I get back to Janessa.  When her and I fuck, you will feel everything until you reject us.  I cannot mark either of you as mine until you decide to be with us, or reject us."  

I knew what she was saying, but I didn't want to hurt anyone.  At the same time, I didn't love him.  If I did choose to marry him, I would be miserable.  Whereas with Octavia and Janessa, I could physically feel how they felt about me and each other.  I rested my cheek against Octavia's knee, and closed my eyes.  I felt weightless when I was with this two.  With Archie, I just felt uncomfortable.  Janessa moved back to the bed to cuddle up with Octavia and I groaned as my mind raced with all the possibilities.

"If it will help any, Winifred, I can meet your mother and let her know about my, well, baby maker."  

I heard Janessa snort into the pillow and try to hide her laughing.  I sat up on my knees, looking at both of them on the bed.

"I... Have no intention of rejecting either of you, but I don't want to hurt him, either.  If... We go meet her, maybe I can convince her to call off the wedding, since she was only doing this because I hadn't found my mate at my age..." I bit my bottom lip and heard Octavia groan a bit.

"When do you want to go?"

I jerked my head up to find that both Janessa and Octavia were staring at me.  I suddenly felt very nervous and exposed.

"As soon as possible, preferably."

I could feel Octavia pull me atop her and her junk touched my crotch and I felt fire lick up my whole body and my nipples got harder than they've ever been with my encounters.  She rested her hands on my hips and I tried as hard as I could to keep from rubbing myself against her, even though that was all I could think about in that moment.  Thankfully Octavia growled to bring me back.

"Set the meeting and we'll head that way in the morning."

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