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"wow! that's what i call an art!" professor lee shouted while clapping as soon as jimin and taehyung bowed.

"well done kids! i'm hoping that i will see this act on the thirteenth okay?" professor lee said, walking towards jimin and taehyung.

"i'm so happy that i chose the right students for this play. now that rehearsals are done, you will be fitting your costumes tomorrow and you will have a dress rehearsal on monday. i'll see you tomorrow at exactly eight am. again, good job kids!" professor lee explained and gave the two a thumbs up before leaving the theater room.

"finally! we already finished the rehearsals! i hope we can do this on tuesday!" taehyung happily said, smiling with his box smile.

"we can do this. you ready to go now?" jimin asked, scratching the back of his neck.

"oh yeah! i'm ready jimine! let's go! i want to ride your motorcycle again!" taehyung excitedly pulled jimin with him, the two running along the corridors.

"here" jimin handed taehyung his helmet as soon as they reached his motorcycle.

"i still don't know how to put it hehe" taehyung shyly said, handing jimin the helmet, signaling jimin to put it on him.

"ah seriously? i already taught you a while ago" jimin said, chuckling.

"please jiminie?" taehyung begged, pouting and jimin is getting weaker.

jimin walked towards taehyung, grabbing the helmet in taehyung's hands, gently putting it on his head.

"you're lucky you're cute or—" jimin got interrupted when he was busy locking taehyung's helmet.

"i'm cute?" taehyung asked and jimin's eyes widened.

damn, i hate my mouth

"i-i mean yeah you're cute b-but i was s-saying, if you d-didn't pout at all—"

"you're rambling jiminie" taehyung said, giggling and that didn't help jimin at all.

stop acting cute! my heart is throbbing!

"let's go?" jimin asked when he got on his motorcycle.

"yes!" taehyung happily shouted, putting his arms around jimin's waist again.

this is not good for my heart


"wow! the van gogh museum!" taehyung excitedly said, leaving jimin behind.

"taehyung! wait! your shoes— taehyung!" jimin quickly ran to taehyung who is now sitting on the floor, almost in tears.

"ouch!" taehyung said, touching his knee which is now red.

"be careful next time okay? i was about to say your shoe laces are untied but you ran off" jimin said, crouching infront of taehyung and touching his knee to look at it.

"hold on. i have a band aid here" jimin said, pulling out a band aid out of his bag.

he tore the band aid and carefully put it on taehyung's knee. after that, he hesitated to put a kiss on taehyung's knee but what's stopping him?

so he softly pecked taehyung's knee before tying his shoe laces.

"w-what was that f-for?" taehyung stuttered out, his eyes wide when jimin kissed his knees.

"you told me before that kisses can cure anything" jimin replied, helping taehyung to stand up.

"oh, thank you..." taehyung shyly said, trying to hide his blush.

"let's go now?" jimin asked, looking at taehyung.

"can i hold on to you so i won't fall again?" taehyung said, giving jimin some puppy eyes.

"s-sure" jimin stuttered out. taehyung slowly wrapped his right arm around jimin's left arm.

the two started to enter the museum and taehyung's eyes sparkled when he saw the paintings.

"wow! jiminie! look, this is my favorite painting!" taehyung shouted like a kid, pointing to a painting and dragging jimin with him.

"it's beautiful" jimin replied and taehyung nodded.

"i know right! van gogh is really amazing! because of him, i also want to do some paintings!" taehyung said, starting his story and jimin just smiled.

"oh look at this too! this is also my favorite!" taehyung happily said, walking to the painting and jimin just stood behind him.

"waaah! so beautiful!" taehyung exclaimed, concentrating on the painting infront of him.

jimin took his phone out, opening his camera and directing it towards taehyung who is busy looking at the paintings.

he smiled as he clicked the shutter button, capturing a cute taehyung who is smiling at the paintings.

he took some more pictures but he quickly changed the direction of the camera when taehyung looked at him.

"jiminie! can you take a photo of me?" taehyung asked when he saw jimin taking pictures of the painting.

"sure. just stand there" jimin replied, now directing his camera again to taehyung.

as if i haven't took a picture of you yet

"one. two. three. smile!" jimin counted and taehyung smiled with box smile.

"can i look at it?" taehyung asked, now walking to jimin.

jimin handed his phone to taehyung and the younger began to look at his picture.

"wow! you're a great photographer!" taehyung complimented, swiping the pictures of the paintings in jimin's phone.

when he was about to swipe again, jimin's eyes widened and quickly grabbed his phone from taehyung.

damn, that was close

"d-do you want to take a picture together?" jimin asked, trying not to be suspicious.

"okay!" taehyung happily said, clapping. he stood close beside jimin and smiled with a peace sign.

jimin looked at him before looking at the camera and also smiling, clicking the shutter button.

"oh! it's one of the famous paintings of van gogh!" taehyung excitedly said, walking to another painting.

jimin stayed where they took a picture, smiling as he looked at their picture in his phone.

i hope that this day will not end

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