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"hey, you're late" a voice said as jimin entered the theater room.

he looked at the pink haired boy who is sitting at the middle of the stage.

"i'm sorry. just needed to drop something" jimin explained, a smile never leaving his face as he dropped his bag down and sat infront of the pink haired boy.

"oh okay. here. professor lee said that we need to memorize now the lines for the first part" the pink haired boy said, handing jimin the papers as he looked for his own.

jimin looked at the papers in his hand but he can't help but to look at the boy infront of him. the boy has pink cheeks and plump lips and jimin can't help but to melt at the boy's cuteness.

when taehyung found his papers, he quickly looked up making jimin look away.

"is there something on my face?" taehyung asked and jimin quickly looked at taehyung again.

yes, beauty

"ah no. it's just my habit to look at people who is busy doing something" jimin reasoned out and taehyung nodded cutely causing jimin to melt more.

"okay! so let's start now?" taehyung cheerfully asked and jimin just chuckled before nodding.


"tae!" the tall guy called out causing taehyung to looked over his shoulder.

"hey jin hyung! hoseok hyung!" taehyung waved.

taehyung slowly stood up and he didn't even realized he got cramps from sitting on the floor with legs crossed for two hours so he lost balance but luckily, jimin held his hand quickly.

"you okay?" jimin asked with worry and taehyung just giggled.

"i'm fine jimin-ssi. thank you" taehyung said with a smile before walking towards jin who already had his eyebrows furrowed and hoseok who is looking at jin with a 'uh-oh' look.

"you okay hyung?" taehyung asked jin who is just staring at him and at jimin.

"didn't i tell you to not get closer with that boy?" jin asked, slightly annoyed.

"jimin? but he just helped me to stand up because i got cramps" taehyung reasoned, looking at jin with worried eyes.

"then why are you so close a while ago? when we got here. you are sitting infront of each other" jin complained again and taehyung frowned at that.

"hyung, we are practicing for a play. we need to be together because we are the main characters here" taehyung whined.

hoseok just silently watched the scene while jimin doesn't know what to do at the other side of the stage.

he decided to just fix taehyung things and hand it to him when he leaves. he also needs to get out of there because he would be dead again to his soccer coach.

"khm, here's your bag" jimin interrupted and the three quickly looked at him.

"you don't need to do this for him. he can fix his things" jin annoyingly grabbed the bag from jimin's grasp causing the three to widen their eyes.

"i- uhm, okay" jimin awkwardly replied before turning his face to taehyung.

"i need to go. see you tomorrow juliet" jimin said, smiling before he was interrupted again by jin.

"don't call him that. his name is taehyung, not juliet and you can leave now. you don't have to tell tae" jin sternly said, glaring at jimin.

jimin just nodded before leaving the theater room.

"hyung what was that for?!" taehyung angrily shouted, not believing that his hyung was that rude to other people.

"he's trying to be friends with you!" jin debated and hoseok quickly sling his arm over jin's shoulder, massaging his right shoulder with his right hand.

"what's wrong with him being friends with me?! he was just trying to help me!" taehyung shouted again.

"he's a playboy taehyung. a bully. a bad boy" jin reasoned and that's the last straw for taehyung.

meanwhile, at the other side of the door, there was a black haired boy who listened at the whole conversation.

maybe i'm really not for taehyung, he thought as he sighed, pushing back his hair with his hand before walking away.

"it doesn't mean that if he's a bully then he will also bully me!" taehyung angirly shouted, quickly grabbing his bag from jin before leaving the theater room angrily.

jin just sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"you really need to chill hyung" hoseok said, leading the two of them outside.


"jimin?" jimin quickly looked at the voice and he was surprised to see taehyung standing beside his locker.

"yes?" jimin replied, looking at him with a smile.

"look, i'm sorry about what happened a while ago. i didn't know that jin hyung is like that sometimes" taehyung apologized, looking down and not wanting to look at jimin's eyes.

jimin wanted to lift taehyung's head with his fingers and tell him it's okay but of course he won't do that.

"it's okay. he's not wrong. i'm a bad boy and there's a possibility that i can get you in trouble" jimin said with a sad smile making taehyung look up with wide eyes.

"h-how did y-you know?" taehyung stuttered out, gripping his book tightly.

"i overheard your conversation. i didn't mean to. i was just making sure you're okay and then i heard shouting" jimin explained as he closed his locker.

"oh. please don't let their words sink into you. i know you're a good person" taehyung happily said, trying to cheer up jimin.

jimin just smiled at taehyung's childishness before nodding.

"well i'll go now. see you around jimin" taehyung said waving his hand before walking away.

i'm so fucked up, jimin thought before walking to the soccer field.

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