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As I lay in silence
Pitch black
Tossing and turning
My mind is awake

Memories from who I was
Who I can't be anymore
A teammate
A captain

Plagued by my loss
I feel so empty
How is an athlete
Never supposed to compete

Doctors are experts
Yet it took weeks to diagnose
The second in a row
My athletic career a ghost

Told that the game
The field and the people
Are welcomed if I wish
If I want a knee of steel

When I was 17
All I had was the game
Any sport
Would numb my pain

Until I tore my knee
In the middle of the day
No cool story
I was walking in school

As I got my gown on
I looked in the mirror
I waved goodbye
To the life I knew

When I woke up
My leg felt dead
I tried to move it

The first thing I did
Asked the new nurse
"How was it"
"How did I do"

She told me I did great
I woke up pretty quick
I was functioning before I left
Unusual for the rest

That nurse left out the details
The doctor, a different case
My parents were worried
About the expression on his face

They told me he was depressed
Which I had never seen
A doctor, an expert
Completely sad because of me

Before the surgery
He assured me
Most likely
A quick recovery

His estimate was crutches
For a couple days
I'd be back soon
To live my life again

When I saw a different nurse
She stared into my soul
No weight for 6 weeks
This was not my goal

I wasn't really shocked
For I knew what I felt
I'm just good at hiding it
Clearly doctors can't tell

Just as I told my family
Reluctantly, close to crying
It felt like the first time
Unfortunately, they knew I was right

The worst part isn't surgery
It's the weeks after
When you're forced to sit in bed
Let my mind wander

I realized my old life
The life I loved to death
It was really gone
After just one breathe

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