Here I Sit

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Here I am
In the bathroom
Just trying to stand
As my body rejects itself

How many doctors does it take
All the blood and stool samples
Complimented by scans and scopes
When will my body give me a break

I've never seen blood as dark
As the sea in the toilet
Coming from me
Because I can't hold it

Something is seriously wrong
But I refuse to go to the hospital
Last time I was there
I was even more helpless

My doctor is waiting on tests
Yet I'm waiting for a change
I don't think I can take it
Even if it's only 2 more days

I've never been so scared
So afraid of a diagnosis
After a year and a half
My last one kicked my ass

More drugs and more pain
Hopefully an IV will save the day
But not everyone is the same
And my intestines put me to shame

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