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My mind won't let go of you
Or the memories we shared
I still hear your laugh
I still fucking care

I've let go of you, mostly
It's just every once in a while
My mind latches to you
Sinking in like a crocodile

I loved you more than anything
More than the world
At one point, you did too
Until you remembered other girls

I'm left with a broken heart
My world is pain
While you start over
With what's her name

I need to be alone this time
To heal myself and my heart
It just sucks because each day
I yearn for my fresh start

It's been over 6 months now
Since I made you leave
I am completely different
Not that you'd believe it

I still have to talk to you
For reasons out of my control
It hurts me less each time
But still, your voice takes a toll

You used to say when I cried
It was for manipulation
Yet on the phone recently
You were sweet when it happened

I have a good memory
It's a blessing and a curse
When it comes to you
It's the absolute worst

I see your goofy smile
I think of inside jokes
I remember when you kissed me
I was out of this world

I can't help it with you
I gave you every part of me
I let myself fall for you
Now I'm left angry

On Valentine's Day
3 years ago
I saw you for the first time
You called me an asshole

We finally met in person
It was the best surprise
I did all that for you
It was worth it at the time

This is my first valentines alone
Since you left and broke my heart
I could pretend that I'm okay
But I'm shattered and I'm hurt

I hope you're happy, babe
I hope you got your girlfriend flowers
I hope you spend time together
I hope you don't count each hour

I know you cheated on me for her
You're a coward, I'll admit
But I hope you both have a good day
Even if you don't deserve it

Although your relationship hurts the most
Everyone else is piling on
The people that I care about
Are mostly with someone

The guy who I had feelings for
That I could never admit
Told me days ago
He found a girl for him

My cousin who's my day one
Finally found a girl who's sweet
Though I'm happy for them both
They really can't filter around me

My brother who I love to death
Found a girl to call his own
I can't wait to meet her
Even if I'm still alone

Each one of these people
Deserve the absolute world
It's just hard for me to watch
When I'm healing from my hurt

Happy Valentine's Day
To everyone but me
Celebrate the love
Enjoy it, please

I'll just have to count down the hours
So I can make it through the day
I'll put a brave face on
But I'm really not okay

Our memories will plague my mind
As I reminisce on our Valentine's Days
I'll let the tears fall in private
Because you walked away

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