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You can only give so much
To those who don't deserve it
Of course it feels good in the moment
But is the end really worth it?

With a heart of pure gold
A mind of steel
You didn't deserve me
Our relationship wasn't real

I hoped and I tried
That you wouldn't do it
I told you so many times
We can't get through it

You didn't care about that, though
You just wanted to end it all
So you did the worst thing
Then watched me fall

You say you're sorry
You didn't want to hurt me
So why treat me like this
Why betray me

You are so selfish
A coward at heart
Pretending to be good
Only to stab my true worth

Each time I let someone in
I take down my shield
They put a dagger through my bones
Their true nature revealed

How am I supposed to trust anyone
When all I've been is broken
I have to build my defense
To never let anyone in

Although I should be a princess
Locked in a tower
It's never the prince's that save you
It's those that crave power

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