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Vibrant colors
Countless flowers
Four subtle beeps
The hallway expands

The fragrance
Of lost hope
And prayer

I stand and wait
One step in
My eyes turn to glass

I feel the worst
For you, mother
You smile
Yet your eyes are hollow

I watch silently
For I am seen
By the empty souls
Searching for hope

My decision is made
To laugh
Rather than cry
It's all I have

My poor mother
Utters names
They enter your ears
But that's where they stop

She calls you mom
I watch your face
Nothing changes
My heart breaks

Carpet turns to tile
One tear drops
I wonder if this time
Was our last

I fight my thoughts
As I enter the car
My seatbelt clicks

My face feels numb
As cold streaks appear
How long do I have
Before my greatest fear

I look the the mirror
As I study my mothers face
Don't let her be next

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