It did break me

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I thought I could find someone that loves the same way I do
A person that would give up anything because their heart told them to
I wanted a man that would be there for me when my life fell apart
I thought someone could be like me for once, and put their partner first
Set aside their own feelings to help when I am clearly hurt

Though I'm glad we can communicate about all the little things
I don't know if the night before my surgery is the right timing
A seed planted in my head that I know must wait for days
And even when we have time to talk, I'll be out of my mind to prevent pain
When someone you love goes through their second surgery in one year
I had assumed you would give them grace, not sigh when they ask for simple things

I can't help but think of the rule I gave myself before I met you
I promised that I would consider what I would do if it was you
If the roles were reversed, would I treat you the way you've treated me
The honest and simple truth is that I wouldn't do that to you, baby

I love you with not only my heart... but with my soul, too
I just am scared about the big changes you keep making just for you
When I brought up any doubt about us moving in together
You told me to stop questioning it and that you were set on it
Come to find now that I'm layed up and I have a road of recovery ahead
You're not so sure anymore if moving in together is a good plan

I respect that you need time for yourself and that you're an introvert at heart
But I'm an introvert, too, and I would never second guess what we are
You say I don't drain your energy and that I'm not like the others
So why is it that you need alone time all of a sudden

I just want someone who can love me for the person that I am
A person who can't imagine spending time apart when it's an option
I want a man to treat me the way I deserve and the way that I treat him
It's really hard for me to come to terms with this... I thought this time was different

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