Happy Ending/Last Chapter

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Serena's POV

This time giving birth was different just because Riker was there.Having the dude support is amazing.

The twins are boys which made Penelope tons happy.Brooklyn Ryan and Bradley Ron Lynch.They look so much like the Lynches that it's even unfair although Bradley looks like Ellington.

Kylie had a baby girl a month after I had the twins,Blair Eva Lynch.She is so cute! She reminds me a lot of Penelope but I didn't want to say that because Kris kept saying Blair looks like Kim and Kourtney.I decided to let go when the subject is Kylie's family.Ryland is handling pretty well.

It's October now.The twins got born in July and since then Riker hasn't touched me properly.

Dr.Matilda gave me recommendations for the first month that Riker is taking it for life! I cannot believe in how protective this dude is! Pisses me off sometimes.

Well,not having Riker all romantic with me plus not working properly because my mom and Riker aren't letting me is leaving me to a crazy mood.

I woke up today in a mood of working and there's no Lynch who'll stop me.

I change into a tight dress and high heels.I had plenty of time to get my body back.

Riker is only back on tour tonight so he won't know if I pass by in Universal Records.

I check everything with the kids and let the nannies and Olivia warmed that if anything happens,call me.

After a day of work,I feel usual.It's so good to do something that it doesn't involve kids.I love my children but I need sometime apart from their yelling.Every mom should have a time apart from their children,just to stay calm and not go into a madness.

I get home and it's weirdly more yelling than usual.

'Olivia! I'm home!' I yell through the house.Rydel shows up with Maddison running in front of her.First I smile for seeing my sister but then I realize.Rydel home means Riker home what means someone will be pretty mad that I went to work in the office

'S!! I've missed you!' Rydel says hugging me.I hug her too.

'Del,I've missed you too!' I say hugging her.Then I lift Maddison up and hug her.This girl gives hugs like her dad.

'Hi,Maddie' I say kissing Maddison's cheek.

'Uhh,Riker is upstairs with the kids and he seemed upset that you weren't home' Rydel says and I lend Maddison to her.I nod and breath heavy.Here I go!

I go upstairs and into the twins room.We are still setting up separates rooms for the twins so for now,they share.

'So I heard someone is home' I say getting in the room.Riker who is playing with the Alex and Reyna in the floor looks to me serious.

'Hi,Serena' he says coldly.Ohh man!

'Hi,Mr.Lynch' I answer also coldly.

'Where were you?' he asks getting his attention back in our 2 years old child

'Working' I say walking to the twins crib and founding them sleeping like angels.

'You went to the headquarter?' he asks

'Yep...Do you know where P is? I told her I'd get her the chocolate she wanted and I did.' I say totally trying to change subject

'She is in her room...Are you really gonna change subject like that?' He asks.I look at him and then at Alex who was totally into playing with Reyna that didn't even realize my presence.

Not letting you pass by (R5 fanfic/Riker Lynch AU)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant