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Serena's POV

Today me,Meghan,Kylie and Penelope are going to Brazil.It's been 2 weeks since the 'Best days of my life' tour started.The CD is out and people are loving and I'm 4 months pregnant now.We go to the airport that is full of paparazzi's.The security team takes us to our plan.

Kylie:I can't believe I'm about to take a 17 hours flight.

Serena:Stass is the lucky one.She's traveling around but she's taking shorts trips.

Meghan:I don't see the difference,but it's gonna be good travel.To take off the stress.I never thought a wedding would be so hard to organize

Serena:I'm sorry but I'm marrying in 2 months and I'm organizing the place in LA living in London.At least you have mamma Rienks.My mom is busier than me

Kylie:You're lucky.Your mom is not Kris Jenner.She's trying to make my wedding in the way she wants

Serena:It's gonna be good leave London for a while.

Kylie:It's gonna be awesome.

Meghan:We're leaving South America to Paris...then to LA.

Kylie:Thanksgiving and the cousin wedding.

Serena:Then Christmas in Denver

Kylie:This is year is Denver...last year was LA

Meghan:Then New York for New Years Eve.

Serena:I'm gonna sleep because just thinking of a bunch of travels I'll have to do I got tired

Meghan:You got tired because you're pregnant.

Serena:And because of that too.

Kylie:Does Riker know it's a boy?

Serena:Not yet...I prefer telling him personally.

We continues talking while Penelope sleeps.The plan took off and we have 17 hours ahead of us.

17 hours later....

After a long flight,we arrive in Sao Paulo,the first place where the band is playing a show in Brazil.The airport is crowed and we have a hard time leaving the place.Penelope hides her face in my body and the security takes us out of there.Arriving at the hotel,the guys from the hotel took our bags to each room and the receptionist tell us the band is having dinner at the pool.We go to the pool and Penelope runs to Riker the second she sees him



We hug everyone and sit in the table with then.They're not eating yet so when we get there,everyone orders.

Riker:I thought you'd arrive early

Serena:We'd but the airport in London and here in Sao Paulo were crowed like security had a hard time taking us out of there.

Ellington:You know how to arrive with style,uh sis?

Serena:I try my best,but Rocky,your birthday is tomorrow,you decide what you wanna do?

Rocky:Yeah,we're doing something after the concert tomorrow

Ryland:Easier for you to see the file from the tour now

Serena:No,it won't.I'm here as Riker's fiancée not as the president.You still will email me everything because I'm only signing it after my wedding in January...I'm on vacation,not because I want to.It's because the doctor sent me to

Stormie:And why would the doctor say that?

Serena:Well,she's saying if I work like I'm not pregnant while I'm can be very prejudicial to the baby because I got a lot of worries.

Not letting you pass by (R5 fanfic/Riker Lynch AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora