3 years later

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Riker's POV

3 years later...

It's been 3 years since Serena left and there hasn't been one day that I haven't thought about her.Sometimes Ellington says stuffs about her and when I ask about it he just keeps quiet.R5 is going strong and it's what makes me not fall apart.Ryland is a good manager,sometimes he goes crazy and to keep himself calm,he says 'Serena wouldn't freak out,keep calm'.I smile at it,besides me,Ryland is the one who misses Serena the most,he looked up to her a lot.Meghan and Rocky are going strong and she's acting in the ABC family show,The Fosters.Ross is dating Kylie's friend,Stass and Ryland finally worked things out with Kylie and they're dating now.Ellington and Rydel,I don't even have to mention that they're together and very well,in the year that Serena left we went to DC next to Easter and they were caught holding hands and kissing which left then with no choice but tell they're together.

We just finished the tour from our new album and we already start the producing for the 4th album.

We're in Hollywood Records now.We have this meeting about a new label deal with Universal Records UK and we're all really excited about it because Universal Records UK is the best record label since this new president assume which no one knows who she is.

Ryland:We closed the deal with the Universal Records UK

Rydel:The president signed the contract?

Ryland:After you sign now,she'll...C'mon Delly,you know better than me that we're not finding out who she's

Rocky:But she's good

Ryland:The best in the business

I look at the TV and E! News is passing,they're talking about this woman.

Riker:Look they're talking about her.

Everyone quiet and pay attention on the TV


Giuliana:Last night interview with Ellen,member of One Direction,Louis Tomlinson said how amazing the president of Universal Records UK

Terrance:When Ellen asked how she looks like he said 'she has this blue kinda green eyes,this smile that shine the whole room and red hair that she never tells if it's dyed or her owns...She's just...perfect,gorgeous and the most amazing mom for her daughter'

Giuliana:It's so cute how he describes her and some people on Twitter said she has a lot of Serena Ratliff

Terrance:Yeah but Serena doesn't have a daughter or red hair...but the mystery keeps...who's this amazing woman?

Giuliana:I don't know but whoever she's...she's making an amazing job in Universal Records UK

Terrance:Now changing subject...let's talk Meghan Rienks and her new movie with Josh Hutcherson...


I turn off the TV and Rocky gives me the look

Riker:What?! You know everything about this movie

Rocky:Dude,information is never enough,but the fans are telling that the secret president is Serena?

Ellington:I don't think it's her.

Riker:You know where Serena is...why don't you tell us ?

Ellington:Serena is always moving,Riker...It's her new job,she can be here today and tomorrow at Paris...and she doesn't say where she's...she just says 'I'm fine,love you all and hope see you soon'

Ross:Sometimes I got myself wondering what could she be doing in that moment

Rydel:She had her reasons to leave,but let's sign this already

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