Birthdays part 2

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Riker's POV

I'm officially tired.It's like we're on tour.I spend the whole day yesterday taking care of Penelope which is exhausting and now Ryland wants us to flight more I don't know how many hours to I don't know where.Serena is sleeping in my chest when we arrive to the place.I look to the window and see beaches and a lot of ocean...I've been here before.I woke Serena up and she looks at the window


Riker:Are you sure?


The plan lands and 3 cars are waiting for us.

Louis:They're already here,S

Serena:Good...everyone is here?

Louis:If you're asking about the girlfriends...yes expect for Laura.

Serena:Thank God

Riker:The Laura he's talking about is the Laura that dated Ross?

Serena:Yes...she's dating Niall now.

Ohh that's gonna be good.Ross doesn't fell nothing for Laura anymore but I'm sure Stass wouldn't like to spend a couple of days with Laura in Greece.We get in the car and leave to the house we're staying.Getting there,Kylie family and 1D were already there.We said hi to everyone and went to the living room where Ryland were saying that we're doing here

Ryland:Welcome to Mykonos...Well,personal story with the reason that I chose here so I won't tell...but what we're doing today is...we're going on a cruise but the cruise is only ours

Meghan:I'm sorry but you rent a cruise so we could celebrate Kylie's birthday?


Meghan:That's it...These dudes knows how to be good boyfriends

Ryland:Thanks, I was saying...we're going on this cruise...all of yours stuff is being putted there because we're not staying in Mykonos...we'll finish our trip in another Greek island.

Stass:Sorry're throwing a party for her in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea?


Kim:I can't believe all the Lynches like that ?

Stass:No...officially no

Serena:Ryland,where are we finishing this trip?

Ryland:Surprise,S...So,shall we?

We leave to the pier.Arriving there we got into the big cruise where the captain was waiting for us.

Ryland:Guys,met captain Gabriel


C.Gabriel:Meg? I haven't seen you personally in a while.

Meghan and the captain hug and I can see in Rocky's face jealousy.I mean,I don't blame him,I'd be jealous

Serena:He's Gab?


Serena:Oh,nice to meet you,famous Gab

C.Gabriel:You must be Serena...nice to meet you too.

Kourtney:Where you met him?

Meghan:He was my prom date and...

C.Gabriel:We dated during high school

Ryland:That's so awesome...but captain,are we ready to leave?

C.Gabriel:Yes,we're...the whole crew is waiting,Mr.Lynch...excuse me

He leaves to inside the cruise

Rocky:You never told me the guy was a captain

Meghan:You never asked

Kendall:His name match him,you know...he's an angel

Stass:Straight from heaven.



Serena:She's not lying

Riker:I'm not gonna even answer you

Ryland:Done with the compliments?...30 minutes,everyone in the pool?

Rydel:Ok,30 minutes in the pool.

Everybody went to each room.After a whole day in the pool,we started getting dressed for Kylie's party.The party was open air.Our parents stayed a bit but they went to stay with the kids.Penelope was loving Penelope,is that weird? The name of Kourtney's daughter is Penelope and it's so funny because we call Penelope and they both turn to us.So we call Penelope,my daughter,Nelly and Kourtney's daughter,P.Before we turned midnight,Ryland asked us to look at the sky and a minute later a lot of fireworks started.Then a plan passed with a poster saying 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY,KYL ! ' .The fireworks blowed for about 15 minutes and after it stopped,we sung happy birthday to Kyl.We danced and party the whole night.It was about 8 am when the party stopped and we saw an island.

Ryland:Welcome to Santorini.

Rydel:You're unbelievable.

Ryland:We can sleep now...our flight will only leave at night.

Liam:It's unbelievable...Can we jump in the sea?

Scott:There isn't sharks here?

Ryland:Not so close to the island

I look to Serena and she smirks at me.

Serena:Well...the last to jump is spending an extra hour in the studio.

Everybody take off the shoes and jump on the sea.The girls also took off the jewelry so it wouldn't miss on the sea.We swim around and play with each other.We heard a little yell from Nelly in the edge of the cruise.

Nelly:You jumped without me?



Niall:Everybody together.

Everybody got together almost on top of another and Nelly took a lot of photos.After a while we got back to the cruise.We went to our room and took a shower.We lay down in the bed and immediately sleep.

Kylie's POV

This is officially the best birthday ever! And I have the best boyfriend ever! I can't believe Ryland made this happen.He knew I've always wanted to spend a birthday in the sea and brought all my family and friends.It's just awesome.Me and Ryland go to our room and take a shower.When we left the shower,I give him a hug.

Ryland:What did I do to deserve this hug?

Kylie:Uhh...let me just made this birthday the best of my life!...And you're the best boyfriend ever

Ryland:Well,but I forgot to give your present

Kylie:Ryland,you just throw a party for the middle of the Mediterranean Sea...I thought that was my present'll be a present for both of us if you liked and accepted


He went to his bag and pick a little box,like a ring box.He gets down on his knee and open the box to reveal an engagement was perfect

Ryland:I wanted to do this in front of everybody but I was too shy,I guess...Kylie Kristen Jenner...will you marry me?

Kylie:Yes...I do.

He puts the ring in my finger,gets up and kisses me.Our kiss got deeper and we ended in bed and...😉


Second part of the chapter Birthdays! Hope you liked 😁💥

-Tris 🌹

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