What will happen?

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Riker's POV

We're all in Hollywood Records for our final meeting before the Loud tour,well not all of us are here,Serena hasn't arrived yet and I'm getting a little worried

Riker:Ratliff,where is Serena?

Ratliff:She was going to talk to Nick this morning

Rydel:But it's almost 3 pm

Andre:Sorry guys,but we'll have to start without her.

When Andre finished the sentence,the door opened to revel a sad Serena.She quickly come in and sit next to me

Serena:Sorry Andre.Internal problems

Andre:That's ok,S.You never got late,there is always a first time.

Serena:And last...promise....but where are we?

Andre:Loud tour tomorrow

Serena:Yeah...I sent the details to you

The meeting went well and we finished all the details for the tour that starts tomorrow.

Andre:I think that's good...I have to travel to London...see ya,R5...Have a nice tour! Keep me update,S

Serena:I'll ,Andre.Have a safe trip

He nods to Serena and leave

Serena:Ok guys...you have the rest of the day off...tomorrow morning we leave after breakfast to NYC

Ross:Are you ok,S?

Serena:Amazing...relieve actually...see you in dinner

Rocky:Ok...Is Nick coming?

Serena:I doubt

Riker:You fight ?

Serena:Actually...we...decide to go to different directions

Rydel:You broke up with Nicholas Jonas?

Serena:Actually we broke up together

Ratliff:You broke up with him...marriage talk again?

Serena:None of your business,little bro...but yeah

Riker:Marriage talk?😱

Serena:It's nothing...So,Ryd,are we still going to shop for tour?

Rydel:Yees! You still wanna go?

Serena:Yes...let's go

Riker:One moment...marriage talk,Serena?


Riker:You haven't told your best friend that your boyfriend gave you the marriage talk ?


Riker:It doesn't matter! Serena!

Rydel:I think you two need to talk,we shop in NYC...Sid,you wanna grab some thing to eat ?


Rocky:Yeah...wait wasn't you suppose to go to your date with Kelly?

Ratliff:About that...we had a little argument


Rydel:Now,we need to talk...let's go,guys! Bye,S ,Rik

Ross:See ya in dinner...I'll have a little goodbye party with the AA cast


Ross:No...I mean yeah...she'll be there

Ratliff:And Kelly says I don't express my feelings...

We all laugh.Ross never puts his guard down when it comes to feelings.NEVER!

Rydel:We should go

Rocky and Ratliff nod to her and leave,followed by Ross,leavening me and Serena alone

Riker:Marriage talk ?

Serena:Let's go somewhere else...You came with your car?

Riker:No...will you tell me everything?

Serena:I always do.Let's go...I'm kind of hungry...

Riker:I'll drive

Serena:My car?! In your dream!

I laugh at her and we leave.The way to the car was loud.Being Nick Jonas girlfriend,Serena always have paparazzi following her and now that R5 is famous,we have too.We went to a restaurant and order some fries and milkshakes

Riker:You can start talking

Serena:Well...Nicholas was talking about marriage with me for a while but come on I'm 21,keep calm.But lately he has been talking about marriage and me abandoning my job so I could go on tour with him and dedicate all my time being the perfect Mrs.Jonas...but that's not me,I hate doing nothing and just the idea of marriage freaks me out!

Riker:You have been fighting about that?

Serena:And a lot more....I just couldn't take it anymore...the pressure

Riker:I understand...and support you,S...Always and Forever

Serena:Thanks,Rik...I love you

Riker:I love you too,Serena...my bestie and bossy

Serena:I'm not bossy!

Riker:Yeah,you're...very bossy...Ms.Ratliff

She laughs and smiles at me

Riker:And there it goes...the one zillion dollars smile that I love...

Serena:You're the best...hey,we're single at the same time since we first met.

Riker:Ohhhh....I like that

Serena:What will happen now that Ms.Ratliff and Mr.Lynch are single at the same time ?

I smirk at her and she stares at me.That stare that every photographer goes crazy when she does in carpets with Nick....If I were Nick,I'd never let Serena pass me by...






-Tris 🌹

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