The new Mrs.Lynch part 1

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Kylie's POV

Well,I found out that organizing a wedding is hard,specially if your mom is Kris Jenner.Don't get me wrong,I love my mom,she just makes it really hard sometimes like today when me and Ryland are supposed to approve everything for our wedding that is in a week with our best mans and braid maids but I know my mom will complain and complain.I gotta say it's gonna be a very long afternoon considering that Ryland and Serena are a bit stress about something in Universal Records and I'm seeing my mom piss then off.

We are all at my house.My wedding planner arrived and it's only missing Ryland and Serena.Apparently something went wrong in a negotiation and Serena had to take Ryland with her.

Kris:I just think it's irresponsibility.

Riker:It's their job...sometimes unexpected things happened.

Kris:She should be more careful with that

Ross:I'll give you a million if you say that to Serena

When he finishes that,Serena and Ryland arrive along with Carol

Serena:Say what to Serena?


Serena:Ok...Sorry about us being late but the negotiation went a bit harder than I thought

Ryland:Harder? Serena,R5 is not working with that dude

Serena:After you almost pushing the dude,I thought that

Kylie:Pushing who?

Ryland:No one important

Carol:Seemed important to you

Ryland looks to Carol with the look.I know that look.He's nervous,oh shit!

Kylie:Theodore is waiting in the backyard

Ryland:Awesome,let's just approve everything and check something's out

I nod and we all go to the backyard.We all say hi to Theodore and sit in the couches that we have in the pool area

Theodore:So...excited for the wedding?

Kylie:Yes,a lot...Theodore,did you order the flowers?

Theodore:They will arrive on time...Peonies like you two asked.

Kris:Peonies? But Kylie,roses are much better

Ohh and here we go!

Ryland:But,my dear mother in law,Kylie's favorite flowers are peonies so we'll have peonies.

Kris:I know Kylie's favorite flowers are peonies but roses are much better...Peonies don't even look wedding style

I look at Serena and she raises her eyebrows then I look at Kim,Khloe and Kourtney.They're about to laugh.I look at Kendall and she looks like she's in agreement with mom.I wanna mutter her.

Kylie:Mom,we'll have peonies.Next subject,Theodore

Theodore:I talked to the represent of Givenchy and the dresses are all ready...they look gorgeous.

Kylie:And the last fixing?

Theodore:In 2 days

Ryland:And the suits?

Theodore:Also in two days in Serena's house.

Rocky:So two days,I can't forget it

Kris:And how are the dresses?

Theodore:Each of the braid maids chose one different model and I think it's quite gorgeous

Kris:They chose different dress?

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