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Riker's POV

Today is the day that Oprah is coming over.It's been a month since Elena got born and Rydel announced her pregnancy...and,FINALLY,Ross proposed to Stass.Ryland and Kylie's marriage is in a couple of days and we're all super happy and excited.Serena gave Kylie a little help with the Kendall situation and things got super good because let's face it,no one wants to face Serena.We're all using suits,it's part of the interview be a little more classic.Serena already made a family meeting about this interview and we decide not tell anyone beside the family that the family expect for Rydel and Ellington didn't know about Penelope,I think it's the best to preserve P and our family.Everybody is change into social/party clothes.When we're all ready,we sit in the huge couch that is in the living room in my house and Oprah sits in front of us in Serena's chair,her favorite one.Only the couples are doing the interview.We decide to not involve the kids and our parents didn't want to show up.They just stayed in the back,watching everything.After a couple of minutes,the interview begins

Oprah:Today I'm here with the Lynches/Ratliffs...the big family there's in every news...Hello,guys


Oprah:So,how are you guys today?


Oprah:Nervous?...C'mon,let's relax...it's gonna be fun...So,Serena...you're their boss,sister in law,sister,wife and more for these people...how you keep up with that?

Serena:Ohh...I can be very different when I want to...Like I'm a cool boss but I don't involve job with our personal life...like if the Serena boss don't like the attitude of the Riker singer,we'll talk about that at the company,I'm not gonna bring a job issue to our personal life.

Oprah:Ohh,got it...And is easy to be a mom,wife,president of the biggest music company in the world? All in the same time?

Serena:No,definitely not...I try my best for each of things you said but I have some help

Oprah:And you guys...is it easy to be on tour with yours wives at home ?

Ellington:I don't have this problem...but

Oprah:Sure,you tour together...and the others?

Ross:It's all hard but sometimes they can go with us or they meet us on tour when they can...so it's hard but we find our ways

Oprah:By the way,Congrats in your engagement


Kylie:Can we say finally one last time?



We all laugh and Oprah laughs and smiles at us.

Oprah:It took that long?

Meghan:Stass is the definition of a girl who never gives up...Ross is such a perfectionist that even to propose he made the whole project...go straight to the point

Serena:Ohh,let Shor think on his own time.

Serena is sit next to Ross so she puts her arms around him and he rest in her chest

Ross:See...this is why we need Serena

The interview of us together moves on and soon finishes.Then the girls did one alone and then the boys.Then each couple,me and Serena were the last,so during the other interviews,we went to check on Penelope and Alexander upstairs.We were watching then sleep when Meghan and Rocky come in telling us it's our turn.We got downstairs and Oprah was waiting for us by the pool.Soon the interview begun.She asked about us and about the wedding,letting the kids question for the end.

Not letting you pass by (R5 fanfic/Riker Lynch AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang