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Serena's POV

Today is the day of the last R5 concert of this tour in LA.The boys,Rydel and Stass went early to the venue.Me,Kylie and Meghan stayed because we're finishing a deal to give a family exclusive interview to Oprah.Yeah,Oprah.I don't even need to mention that we're freaking out!.We're finishing our meeting with Oprah's producer when Rocky calls for the millionth time.I'm so mad at him that I pick the phone instead of Meghan and leave the room.


Serena:Rocky! You're kind of being a pain in the ass!

Rocky:Serena! I just wanna know how she's and tell her I'm about to go on stage

Serena:She's fine and have a nice concert...We'll be there in 20 minutes or more...Just stop worrying!


Serena:Rocky! Stop being Riker! Have a nice concert and see you later!


Before he could answer,I hang on his face.I give the phone back to Carol and return to the meeting.After 30 minutes,we finish the meeting and Oprah's producer leaves.

Kylie:Now let's go to the venue before Rocky gives birth

Meghan:Stop...he's just protective

Serena:Dear,I don't need a protective brother to handle while my meetings.

Meghan:Okay...I'm gonna go to the bathroom so we can go.

Serena:Bathroom again?! Meg,I think you need to stay home...when pregnant woman start going to the bathroom many times it's because it's getting in labour

Meghan:S,I'm fine...and I promised Rocky

Kylie:Ok,so go to the bathroom...we're kind of late.

Meghan nods and leaves to the bathroom.

Serena:I'm afraid she'll get in labour during the concert while we're in the venue.

Kylie:Me too...imagine if the baby got born now...My birthday and Rydel's is 3 days ahead.

Serena:True fact...It'd be nice

Kylie:Alexander is with Olivia?

Serena:Yeah...Today is Ashley's day off...You know that girl is a mistake to be fired.

Kylie:What she has done this time?

Serena:She was going throw Riker's clothes...like smelling it

Kylie:She's crazy!

Serena:I don't know how Riker made me give her a chance.

Kylie:I know how...

Serena:And you? The wedding is in November...how things are going?

Kylie:It's kind of crazy,actually...I loved being back at Cali but I had to change everything in the wedding...We were marrying in London and now we're marrying in Cali...and maybe I need to put the wedding for next year because Kendall wants to get marry before having the baby

Serena:No,no...Kyl don't give up on anything for Kendall's wish...You deserve to have a wedding just like her...even better,you deserve everything you wish...you have my support for any decision

Kylie:The problem is my mom...she's giving Kendall the whole support...Kendall is the new Kim.

Serena:You know what...when are you gonna have another meeting with then about your wedding?

Not letting you pass by (R5 fanfic/Riker Lynch AU)Where stories live. Discover now