Almost vacation time

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Riker's POV

It's been almost two months since we start living in London.We're recording a new album and I'm getting closer to Penelope which means closer to Serena.Sometimes Penelope and Serena act like they're daughter and mother,which is weird.Penelope never talks about her dad,only about her mom and sometimes she pretty much describes Serena.Right now we're in a meeting with Serena and One Direction because we're playing on a festival here in London

Serena:You got everything?

Ryland:Yes,I did

Serena:James,you got everything?

James:Yes,I did...don't worry,hottie president.I got under control

Serena:1.Don't ever call me again 'hottie president' if you do,you're fired and 2.Worry is part of my job and 3.I know you have things under control,it's your job!

Louis:Calm down,Serena!

Riker:What happened?

Serena:Some stuffs are letting me crazy!

Ellington:Anastasia arrival?

Serena:No...Stella thinking that because she represents me...she's me which she is not!

Niall:Allowing myself to say something...maybe you should tell then it's you so you don't have a problem about who represents you

Zayn:Niall,you have brain

Serena:Zayn,have some faith in Niall...and Niall,I'll give some thoughts in what you said

Ross:Are we done here?

Serena:Why? Late for something Lynch?

Ross:Perhaps...are we done?

Serena:Yes...but whenever you're doing,please,don't let anyone know

Rocky:Serena,I think that's why people usually do what he's about to do in a room so anyone couldn't know

Serena:Ohh,Rocky...he's not gonna...

Ross:Actually not so wrong

Serena:You're disgusting!...That's it,you may go.

Rydel:What are you gonna do about your amazing assistant?

Serena:I don't have something to tell me,right?

Rydel:I actually do.

Serena:Ok...stay here.Guys,you may go and managers,I want to know the final decisions about the festival

James:Serena,me and Ryland handle this

Ryland:We call you if anything goes wrong

Riker:For you two health it better won't

Louis:I was about to say that...but S,me and Penelope are going to the park

Serena:Ohh,shit! I completely forgot! Anastasia is arriving today,I can't go

Riker:I can go with you,Louis

Louis:Great,I'm sure P will love it

Serena:Good,call,better,text me...both of you


Serena:You better go

We say our byes and we all leave expect for Rydel.When we pass by Stella's desk,she's super nervous.I know what Rydel is gonna tell Serena and if she still loves me,she'll be very mad

Serena's POV

When the boys leave,Rydel and I sit in the couch and she has such a mad/worried face on

Not letting you pass by (R5 fanfic/Riker Lynch AU)Where stories live. Discover now