Back to LA?

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Serena's POV

It's been a month since R5 got back in the tour.I've been working at home like I promised Riker,my new assistant Carol comes over and help me out.Olivia continues being my life saver!She takes care of Penelope and Alexander so well that I don't know what I'd do without her.Today I'm having a big meeting with Daniel Huggins,the owner of Universal Records and Anastasia's father which is also coming.Olivia and the kids went to the park so we could stay alone.They arrive and we immediately started the meeting.

Daniel:Mrs.Lynch,the work that you've done here in London is amazing


Daniel:But,I wanna do a replacement

Serena:A replacement?

Daniel:Yes...What do you think about Los Angels?

Serena:I love LA...It's where I come from...but why?

Daniel:I want you and all your crew of musicians in LA for the new Universal Records

Serena:Sorry? You're telling me that you want me in the brand new Universal Records in Los Angels? and your whole crew of musicians...

Serena:But what about Ana?

Anastasia:I'm coming to London with my crew of musicians

Daniel:So what you tell me...

Serena:I can take everyone that I work with?...All my musicians?

Daniel:All your musicians

Serena:So that's a yes...I understood what you want with want to see how our crews react in different continents...Smart

Daniel:Yes...that's exactly my point...You have until the end of August...See you in LA,Mrs.Lynch

Serena:See you in LA,Mr.Huggins

We shake hands and I hugged Anastasia.After a while,they left.Carol got in the room and looked at me with a curious face on

Carol:What's up,Serena?

Serena:Pack your bags...we're going to LA

Carol:You're the new USA president?

Serena:Yes...where's the thing...You personally are gonna make new contracts and send to all my musicians manager including Ryland...then you're gonna reserve a whole hotel for then and find 5 houses in Hidden Hills for my family.

Carol:I'll do that with pleasure,Serena...something else?

Serena:Actually Meghan,Kylie and Stass and tell then to be here in an hour...when they arrive,put us in FaceTime with R5

Carol:Ok...I'll do that

She left the room and started making calls.Ohh God,We're going back to LA! My parents,Mark and Stormie moved back to USA when R5 went on tour so they're gonna be pretty happy when they hear we're going to live in LA.After a hour,the girls arrive and I explain everything to then.They got so happy,especially Meghan,now she's gonna have her baby next to both of her families.I pick my MacBook and FaceTime R5 that were ready to talk to us.I call and they immediately answer


Ryland:Serena,what the f***?!! What is this new contract?! We're back in LA?!

Serena:Hi,Ryland...Yes,there's a new contract...yes,we're back in LA...and before you answer I'm the new Universal Records USA president...and,yes...All my musicians are going with me

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