I Don't Give a Flying Banana...

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Monica Bouvier

His curly hair stuck to his forehead as he snored, suddenly twitching and reached around the bed. I felt horrible, just standing there and watching him sleep. Like Edward Cullen, more like. That was when I realized he was feeling around the bed for my presence. Sitting at the foot of the bed, I quietly crawled over to my boyfriend as he fought off the horrible nightmare.

“Harry,” I said, shaking his shoulders as he wrapped his arms around me sleepily. “Harry, babe, you’re having a nightmare. Wake up.”

His eyes suddenly fluttered open, widening when he looked into mine. I could faintly see tears forming in his green orbs and enveloped him in a bone crushing hug as he wept. I played around with his curls and calmed him down, hoping it would go away.

“I...I... Where is she?” he stuttered, pulling away and suddenly sitting up in bed. Confused and somewhat hurt, I sat up with him.

“Where’s who, Harry?” I asked him, as he began breathing quick breaths.


“Yes?” I said, tears forming in my eyes. Was he cheating on me? If so, with who?

“Darcy,” he finally breathed, breaking out in sobs.

Darcy? Who was Darcy? I wracked my brains for a Darcy that we’d met along the line, but I didn’t remember a single eighteen or even thirty two year old woman named Darcy.

And then I remembered.

Harry wanted our daughter’s name to be Darcy.

“Harry, there is no Darcy,” I said, knowing from the recent events that he had surely dreamt of our daughter dying instead of Nathan. He turned to me, eyes filled with tears and cheeks reddened.

“Y-You mean she’s gone?” he questioned, sobbing again. I shook my head, pulling him into my arms again.

“Harry, I was never pregnant,” I said, as a single tear poured down my cheek. “We’re not even married.”

“Okay,” he said, taking a moment to think things through. “Let me get this straight. You’re not pregnant?”

“No,” I said, a smile creeping its way onto my face. “Do you want me to be?”

“Uh...” he said, pulling away and scratching the back of his neck. I frowned and glared at him as he caught my eye. “I can wait a little, you know...”

I burst out laughing, pulling him into a hug again and knotting my fingers through his curls. “Oh, Haz...”

Aleka Ortega

Okay, so Liana and Niall are holding up well. From what I heard, they laughed for the first time the other day. Alright, no more worrying about them...

Talia and Liam had gone to Wolverhampton to have a family reunion, Monica and Harry were at the flat with Louis and MacKenzie, and Liana and Niall were just relaxing at their flat.

“Babe?” Zayn called from the bathroom. I turned away from the computer, where I was Skyping my cousin, Eliana. She was getting married in a few weeks, and I was a bridesmaid.

“One sec, El,” I said, turning to my boyfriend. “Something wrong?”

“Did you finish my hairspray?” he said in a dangerous tone. I scooped up my MacBook Pro in my arms and ran out of the bedroom, him hot on my heels. Eliana was giving me a strange look.

“And this is who you expect me to let be one of the groomsmen?” Eliana inquired, as I ran to the bathroom and locked myself in. Zayn pounded on the door.

Lovingly  {One Direction} (Sequel to It's Complicated)Where stories live. Discover now