Uh oh...

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Liana Aslin

“Hey, pass the ice cream,” I told MacKenzie. She leaned over the coffee table and gave me a full tub, knowing about my cravings. Liam, not knowing about them, looked at me with a confused face when I began to devour the tub of ice cream.

“She’s been eating like that for a week now,” Niall said, munching on some graham crackers. We were having a slumber party at Zayn and Aleka’s flat. Each couple had picked a movie and we were watching them one by one throughout the night. We were just about through with Love Actually, Harry and Monica’s pick, when the midnight cravings began for me.

“What’s next?” Zayn asked, draping his arm over Aleka’s shoulders. She had her arms wrapped around his torso and was asleep with her head on his lap. “Aleka, love. Wake up. We’re not finished watching movies.”

“Oh,” she said, getting up and resting her head on Zayn’s shoulder.

“I say Grease,” Louis said. Liam got up and changed the movie.

“I’ll get some popcorn,” Monica said. Talia followed her to the kitchen, where a short time later, I could smell burnt popcorn.

“You burnt two bags already, you idiot! Let me make it!” Talia said. Monica came back with her pinky in her mouth. It was probably burnt.

“I’m not a very good cook,” she stated.

“Put ice on it,” Talia said, handing Monica an ice cube that had a paper towel wrapped around it. Monica rolled her eyes at our Austrian friend and did as she was told. Talia came back later with a few bowls of popcorn. I lunged at them to grab some, but she held them away. “Get a hold of yourself, Liana.”

I glared at her and shrunk back in my seat, pulling my knees to my chest and staring at her above them. See, Talia isn’t very hard to convince. Stare at her with a dirty look, and guilt rushes into her and you get what you want.

“Okay, here!” she said, handing me a bowl. I smirked in victory. Aleka, however, had fallen asleep again on Zayn’s lap. Zayn, himself, had fallen asleep also.

“Zayn, Aleka,” MacKenzie said, nudging the dark haired boy. “Maybe you should go up to bed.”

“Mmmm… Five more minutes,” Zayn replied, rubbing his eyes and resting his head on Aleka’s back. He suddenly shot up, causing Aleka to fall off of him.

“What the bloody hell was that for?” Aleka said, adding a swear word in Spanish. Niall didn’t seem to care. Then, she must have noticed something as well, because her eyes widened and she looked up at her boyfriend.

“Liana, what time is it?” Zayn asked. I stared down at my invisible watch.

“Time to get a watch…” I muttered, checking my phone. “About four thirty, why?”

Both Aleka and Zayn both scrambled to their feet and started putting the cushions back on the couch, adjusting the pillows, and cleaning the kitchen.

“What’s going on with them? Zayn never cleans,” Louis said.

“I heard that!” Zayn called from the kitchen. “And we would appreciate it if you guys left. Not being rude, but Aleka’s parents are on their way over!”

“What? At four thirty in the morning?” Talia asked.

“No, idiot,” Monica said, mimicking her. “Their plane lands at four thirty!”

“If you’re not going to leave, help us clean the house!” Aleka yelled, frantically drying dishes and putting them back in the cabinets.

“We’ve got the dining room!” Liam yelled, grabbing Talia’s wrist and dragging her to the dining room.

“Are your parents staying here, Aleka?” Louis asked. She shook her head.

“No, but in a hotel nearby,” she replied, arranging glasses in the cabinets.

“We got upstairs!” MacKenzie said, grabbing Louis and running upstairs with him. Niall and I looked at Monica and Harry.

“That leaves… Rearranging the couches and the bathrooms! We got the couches!” Niall yelled, before Harry could say anything. The brown haired couple groaned and walked off to the bathrooms to clean. I got up and grabbed one end of the couch, about to lift it.

“Liana, NO!” Aleka yelled, waving her arms in the air frantically at me. She slapped the pan that Talia had used to make popcorn accidentally, making her scream and hold her hand to her chest in pain. “D-Don’t l-lift things up! It’ll hurt the b-baby!”

Baby. The freaking  baby in my stomach at the moment.

Aleka’s parents are coming over.

My parents don’t even have a clue that I’m with this Irish lad.

Even worse, I’m pregnant with his child.

Lovingly  {One Direction} (Sequel to It's Complicated)Where stories live. Discover now