Tickle Monster!

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Hey guys! I'm dedicating this chapter to @UpAllNightWith1D because she came up with the little prank that happens in here... Enjoy!

Zayn Malik

Where’s the candy?” Louis whined, searching the cabinets. I stared down at my plate of eggs in effort to ignore the whining lad. “Aleka yawned and nearly fell asleep on her plate of eggs if I hadn’t pulled her to rest on my shoulder.

“We don’t have any, Lou. We’re healthy people,” Liam replied, shaking his head at the boy’s childish question. Niall grunted and finished off his plate of food, staring at the fruit centerpiece with sudden interest.

“I’m bored,” Monica said, fiddling with her fork. Harry raised his eyebrows at his girlfriend and continued eating his breakfast. “So, Niall. It’s a boy?”

“Yep,” the Irish one sighed, smiling at the French girl.

“Did you and Liana choose a name yet?” Harry asked, chewing on a piece of bacon. Niall nodded and yawned. “What’re you going to name him?”

“Nathan James,” Niall answered, stretching his arms.

“Aw,” Talia said, drinking her orange juice. “Where’s Liana?”

“Asleep. I feel like that’s all she does,” Niall replied, rubbing his eyes.

“No wonder,” MacKenzie said. “You scared her, Tal.”

“What? The kid won’t let them sleep the first few nights!” Talia retorted, crossing her arms. She continued drinking her orange juice, and I turned around to find that Monica had finally cured her boredom. She and Harry were both in a heated make out session, right in front of us. I had a plan.

“Aleka,” I whispered, and she raised her eyebrows at me. I walked over and whispered in her ear, “Go moan in Harry’s ear in Mon’s voice. It’ll be funny.”

“Why me?” she whispered back.

“Because. Now go,” I said, pushing her towards the lip-locked couple. She gave me one last look before slowly walking over to Monica and Harry.

She bent over by Harry’s ear, and said, “Ooh, Harry…”

“Mmm…” Harry replied. Talia’s eyes widened and she did a spit take with the orange juice she had been drinking, drenching Niall.

“Oi!” he yelped, getting up to get a towel.

“Sorry, Nialler!” Talia apologized.

“Hmm… Harry…” Aleka fake-moaned in Harry’s ear.

“Mmm…” he growled. MacKenzie was trying her hardest not to laugh, so much so that she was hiding behind Liam. Louis was staring at us confused, and Talia had her arms crossed.

“Ugh, I can’t even eat around you people,” she fake-whined.

“I can,” Niall said, grabbing her plate of eggs and scarfing it down.

“Let’s take this upstairs, shall we?” Aleka said again in Harry’s ear. He put his hands under Monica’s knees and wrapped her legs around his waist, getting up. “HEY! NO! I DIDN’T MEAN LITERALLY!”

“Huh? Aleka?” Harry said, pulling away and staring at Monica. “Did you just ask to go upstairs?”

“Uh, no,” Monica said. “But I wouldn’t mind…” she muttered the last part.

“Did you say something, dear?” Harry said, keeping her legs wrapped around his waist still. Monica shook her head. “So it wasn’t you that was moaning in my ear?”

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