Mr. Nice Guy

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A/N: Hey guys... So I've heard people want me to update more? Look, I've got some explaining to do... I've been at camp for a week, then I got my laptop taken away, and school starts in two weeks. When school starts, I might not be on as much cause I have all honors classes and I have like my least favorite teacher as homeroom... I'm gonna die lol. 

Anyways, this chapter's crap... Yeah, sorry... It just had to go along with my feelings. I've been told I'm too nice and vulnerable, so my character kind of resembles that. 


okay sorry for the long author's note, and now I present to you, the crappiest chapter ever!

Talia van Trapp

“Talia…” Liana groaned from the couch. I rolled my eyes and continued to stir the soup that Liana had forced me to make with a large, wooden fork. After Harry had tried to force ice cream down my throat, let me just say that I agreed with Liam about spoons. “TALIA!”

“WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT!?” I exclaimed, turning around and angrily running my fingers through my frizzy hair. Annoyed, I tied it into a quick bun at the top of my head and strode over to where Liana had planted herself on our living room couch. I had offered to take care of her that morning because the boys were recording their new album, and the rest of the girls were finishing off some schoolwork at the university.

“Food,” she replied, crossing her arms over her chest. The small bump on her stomach was barely noticeable at three months, but she definitely had a change in attitude when she got pregnant.

“It’s coming, don’t get your panties in a twist,” I replied, arching my eyebrows. Her fist came flying at my cheek, but I quickly dodged it and caught it with my hand. “Ah, ah, ah! Now be patient.”

“Fine,” she replied, and settled back down on the couch with her eyebrows furrowed and arms crossed. I sighed and went back to stirring the soup, remembering the first time I had been declared the ‘punching bag.’ I swear, sometimes my kindness would get me nowhere. Monica constantly reminded me that, but I would ignore her.

Liana had warned everyone about a month back that she would punch the closest person to her when she was cranky, which always happened to be me. I would be the one handing her lunch, breakfast, or whatever, still continuing after I would get punched and what not. Even Niall would keep his distance, and I questioned my thinking back then. Although, I had gotten used to her kicking and punching by dodging them.

I poured the soup into a cup and slowly handed it to Liana, who stared at me with an angry face. I just shook my head and walked back to the kitchen, where I sat at the table and tried to work on my school work, but was quickly interrupted by a wail from Liana.

“Where’s the bowl!? And the spoon!?” she shrieked. My eyes widened and I fumed. I walked over to the cupboard and angrily pulled out a bowl, handing it to the cranky, Swedish girl. “And spoon?

“You already know why I’m not getting you that,” I said through gritted teeth. “Go get it yourself.”

“No. My feet are swollen,” she said, pointing down at her ankles, which were twice their size. I sighed in defeat and walked over to the kitchen, pulling my hoodie over my head and zipping up all the way to my mouth, where I covered it. I grabbed the gloves I used to wash dishes and slipped them on, before slowly making my way towards the utensils drawer. I put my hands up in a karate type position, ready to chop a spoon away as soon as the evil thing came flying at me.

Lovingly  {One Direction} (Sequel to It's Complicated)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora