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It was a dark Friday night.

Everything seemed alright.

He came over, and slowly opened the door.

As soon as he saw me he started calling me a whore.

He pushed me up against the wall.

And pushed himself into me and grabbed me as I tried to fall.

I wanted him to go away.

As I tried to leave he kept yelling hey!

He grabbed me and threw me into the floor.

And asked me if I wanted more.

I kept pleading no, I don't want any.

But he wouldn't take no for an answer.

He kept going and eventually stopped until he was finished.

I felt, like a used up napkin.

He said he loved me.

He brought me downstairs and locked me away in a cage.

I had to work for him day in and day out and I barely made any wage.

I was trapped down here ready to die.

As I sat here on the concrete floor in his basement trapped in this cage he came
around the corner.

I wasn't ready for round two.

I wanted to be left alone.

I guess that turned him on even more.

Every time he would force me to have sex with him he would be more and more aggressive.

He made me moan, so I acted as if I liked it.

Eventually, after the hitting was over it wasn't so bad working for him. He was kind to me.

I was starting to think he actually loved me.

I started having feelings for him and actually was liking him.

The next time he came downstairs I actually starting liking his body.

The Moans turned real, and he didn't like that I liked it.

So he left me in the basement for weeks without food and water.

He wanted me mad so that I wouldn't like him.

It started to work but I still acted as I liked him so I could escape.

One morning I woke up to see a new girl.

Her name was grace.

She was about 6 or 7 years old.

He opened my cage and told me to leave.

I was excited but I didn't know where to go.

I asked what he was gonna do to that girl and he said that I would find out.

I didn't understand what he meant.

As I was walking out of the house I heard the girl scream, asking him to stop.

I was worried. I ran in and grabbed him off of her.

I grabbed her and started to run.

We bolted out of the house bare naked and ran to the highway.

Strangely there were no cars.

The man caught up to us.

He dragged us back into his basement and did his "actions" again.

I felt broken.

The chain he had around our necks and ankles I used to cut my skin.

Any relief of any kind helped.

Eventually, I got down to the vein and couldn't stop bleeding.

Little Grace was terrified as I was bleeding out.

I told her it was okay, that I would be okay.

And at last, it was over.

I saw pure darkness.

My life is over.

No more pain.

No more abuse.


I'm happy now.

Happier than ever.

I hope grace will find peace.

Cause I know my peace has been found.

He called it Love, We called it painWhere stories live. Discover now