chapter twenty-four- Possesive progression

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(Eren's p.o.v)

I followed Hanji back to her isolated lab, doing as I was told before she started her evaluation. Sitting patient in a chair, I looked to the nervous expression on the doctor's face as she fumbled about with some papers on her desk then she sat down across from me.
"Eren, how have you been feeling since we last spoke?"
"I have to admit I've been acting a little... Off as of late but I can assure you it was merely stress," her eyes seemed to reveal her doubt in my words but she continued.

"Eren, I'm not going to lie to you but I think you have a toxic relationship with captain Levi. I think it would be better if the two of you cut off any personal ties you have with him and keep it purely professional..."

"But he needs me..."

"This relationship has both of you acting completely odd: Levi has become possessive and jealous over every minor comment or action directed to or about you. You are depressed, weak and so much more... You and Levi have gone on long enough..."

"But he said he's sorry..."

"Eren, break up with him or I will have to split the two of you by force."

"But he loves me..."

"Listen to what I'm saying!" Hanji yelled desperately as she tried to get this but of information into my Levi filled head.

"But we're meant to be together! How could you act like you understand what's going on, how I feel, in this whole situation!" I gasped for air, "Report us. Do it. Just know that you're actions now will hurt me further and I won't be able to give out anymore forgiveness... I just used my last fucking bit..." tears now streamed down my face, staining my cheeks and blurring my vision.

"You leave me no choice." That was it, she had finally pissed me off to the point I wanted to punch her but that was too far, even for me, so I stormed out of there and headed to the only person I wanted to see.

(Levi's p.o.v)

I felt myself dozing off, bobbing my head as I fought desperately against it and failing. Eren had to be missing me by now, right? We've been separated for most of the day, he's probably off fighting with that horse face or ranting on and on about his deep hatred of titans... I miss him. Then, as if from no where, a small knock came through the door, pausing as they waited for permission to enter.
"Come in." In came the caterpillar eyebrowed bastard with a shit eating grin on his face.

"So I've been informed some thing rather unsettling and I hope you'll be able to keep calm as I tell you."

"Go on. Finish quickly though, I need to get back to Ere-"

"Actually, that's the problem. Hanji and I think that you and Eren aren't working out. We're really worried about you. So we have planned for something you may find aggrivating or unsettling but I need you to act strong..."

"Eren and I are finally getting back on track, he and I are going to be back to normal soon..."

"Eren's going to be staying at the Dedrick residence with Hanji for a while until you have been detoxed of your feeling for Eren. Alexander Dedrick is excited to have him stay there plus this will get us the funds we need... Understand?" I was pissed. How dare they break us apart?! Was it those bastards fault? I knew I should've killed them. "Are you going to be okay?"

I don't know. Was I?


Hey all,
It's been awhile and I'm sorry that the updates are getting further apart, but I'm struggling to find the time with college and work getting a little bit demanding.
Plus, with the amount of people reading this getting lesser and lesser as it goes on, I'm worrying about whether or not I'm dragging it on. So please tell me so that I can either wrap this up or plan for more... It would be nice to finish this on the day it was published on here (19th October 2016!!!).
So enjoy as this may be the last one for a short while.
I'm so thankful to those of you who have stuck with this for so long and I have a small request, if you'll indulge me...
Please comment your favourite moment from this story, it would mean the world to me to know that some of my writing has stuck with you or that it was good enough to be enjoyable.
P.S Sorry this little note was so long... I'll try not to do this again and did you notice the small change in the conversation section? It's just a little prototype as I though it was too cluttered but at the same time this set up appears too bare...

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