chapter nine- questions

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(Levi's p.o.v)

I paces back and forth outside in the darkness as the thoughts from before ran through my head. Eren was attacked by those disgusting pigs just because he was with me... doesn't that mean that I'm the one causing Eren pain? Was his declaration of love just a way to make me happy?
I couldn't take it anymore, I had to know the truth! Eren... Is the only thing that I have left...
As I reached for the doorknob, a strong gush of wind blew and pulled my mind away from my train of thought. I looked up at the strange filled sky that was aluminated by the silver glow of the moon. I remember my time in the underground and how badly I wished to see the sun or moon... but Farlan and Isabel always helped me come back to earth. They were my one true reason to live.
"Captain Levi?" Jean spoke from the darkness, "Why are you out here?" I glared at him the best I could, trying not to reveal how I was actually feeling.
"None of your fucking business you shitty brat," I hissed dangerously, the atmosphere becoming dark and hostile.
"Where's Eren?"
"Why?" He opened his mouth but shut it instantly after, holding back. "He's sleeping."
"I remember that Eren and I would always fight no matter what the situation," he chuckled, "But then one night, in those rooms, he begged me to keep him warm and ever since that night, I couldn't stop my heart beating so fast."
"Eren wasn't a virgin?"
"Of course he was, the rooms were freezing and so we just shared blankets and each other warmth." I sighed in relief. Finally turning away to walk back to the person I hold dearest...

(Eren's p.o.v)

I blinked, blinded by the bright light of the colossal moon. Captain was no where to be found and, even if I wanted to, there was no way to find him quicker. I shook my head as I sat up, attempting to calm myself.
"Hello?" Some called as the entered, knocking on the door slightly.
"Oh um... yes?" I looked over at the man towering over the bed.
"Eren, where is Captain Levi?" Erwin asked, "I needed to finish my argument about you..."
"Please stop!" I raised my voice. This was a stupid idea and I knew it once those words left my foolish mouth but... I couldn't stop now, "What if I want Captain Levi? The man who saved me from the disgusting pigs at the top trail that day. The man who lived a past just as bad as my own?"
"Eren... you see..."
"No I don't see," I trailed off as my eyes met the steel grey orbs that were filled with a strange emotion lurking at the door.
"That's enough Erwin, he said no..." Levi began to laugh creepily, now pushing Erwin out the door.
"Captain, wha-?"
"I want to be with you Eren..."

I have been battling a cold and in pain alot plus the fact that I had exams aswell... ugh! I'm dying! This is just a little chapter and I hope you can be satisfied with just this until the next time when I think it can be better. I think that I should explain that my new story isn't good but I think that I will leave it up just because...

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